Omnitrophus fodinae sp. nov. and Omnitrophus gen. nov.
Submitted by Rinke, Chris
Genus Omnitrophus
- Etymology
- ['phus] L. masc. adj. omnis, all; Gr. n. trophos, feeder; N.L. masc. n. Omnitrophus, eating all
- Nomenclatural type
- Species Omnitrophus fodinaeTs
- Description
This monotypic genus belongs to the family Omnitrophaceae, order Omnitrophales, class Omnitrophia, in the phylum Omnitrophota. Although only a single medium-quality genome is available for this genus currently, the historical name for the lineage represented by this phylum is based on the name of this genus. The description for this genus is the same as for the species Omnitrophus fodinae, the type species of the genus.
- Classification
- Bacteria » Omnitrophota » Omnitrophia » Omnitrophales » Omnitrophaceae » Omnitrophus
- References
Effective publication:
Rinke et al., 2013 [1]
- Registry URL
Species Omnitrophus fodinaeTs
- Etymology
- [fo.di'nae] L. gen. n. fodinae, of a mine, coal mine
- Nomenclatural type
- NCBI Assembly: GCA_000405945.1 Ts
- Description
This species is the type of the genus Omnitrophus. No data on cell size in the species is available. This species is represented by only one medium-quality genome, however, for historical significance, this genome serves as the nomenclatural type for the species. The %GC content of the genome is 49.56%. The estimated genome size is 2.9 Mb, with the available genome estimated to be 65 % complete. The genome available for this species encodes 2 very large ORFs with domains typically implicated in eukaryotic cell adhesion. This organism originated from groundwater sampled at Homestake Mine (Sanford Lab Homestake), South Dakota. The nomenclatural type for the species is the genome GCA_000405945.1.
- Classification
- Bacteria » Omnitrophota » Omnitrophia » Omnitrophales » Omnitrophaceae » Omnitrophus » Omnitrophus fodinaeTs
- References
Effective publication:
Rinke et al., 2013 [1]
- Registry URL
- Rinke et al. (2013). Insights into the phylogeny and coding potential of microbial dark matter. Nature. DOI:10.1038/nature12352
Register List Certificate of Validation
On behalf of the Committee on the Systematics of Prokaryotes Described from Sequence Data (SeqCode Committee), we hereby certify that the Register List submitted by Rinke, Chris and including 2 new names has been successfully validated.
Date of Priority:
2023-02-22 12:07 UTC
DOI: 10.57973/seqcode.r:d841ck02