Table 1: Complete list of names proposed in the current register list.
Proposed Taxon | Etymology | Description | Parent Taxon | Type | Registry URL |
Class Poseidoniia | ['i.a] N.L. fem. n. Poseidonia, referring to the type genus Poseidonia; -ia, ending to denote a class; N.L. neut. pl. n. Poseidoniia, the Poseidonia class | The description is the same as for Poseidonia gen. nov. with the following additions; Poseidoniia class. nov. comprises the type order Poseidoniales ord. nov. and order Marine group III (MGIII).
Poseidoniota | Poseidonia | |
Order Poseidoniales | ['les] N.L. fem. n. Poseidonia, referring to the type genus Poseidonia; -ales, ending to denote an order; N.L. fem. pl. n. Poseidoniales, the Poseidonia order | The description is the same as for Candidatus Poseidonia gen. nov. with the following additions; -ales ending to denote a order. Candidatus Poseidoniales ord. nov. was previously known as “Marine Group II” and comprises two families Candidatus Poseidoniaceae fam. nov. and Candidatus Thalassarchaeaceae fam. nov.
Poseidoniia | Poseidonia | |
Family Thalassarchaeaceae | [Tha.las.sar.chae.a'] N.L. neut. n. Thalassarchaeum, referring to the type genus Thalassarchaeum; -aceae, ending to denote a family; N.L. fem. pl. n. Thalassarchaeaceae, the Thalassarchaeum family | Thalassarchaeaceae fam. nov. formerly Marine Group II (MGII) subgroup b, also known as MGIIb, is a family of the globally abundant marine order Poseidoniales.
Poseidoniales | Thalassarchaeum | |
Family Poseidoniaceae | ['] N.L. fem. n. Poseidonia, referring to the type genus Poseidonia; -aceae, ending to denote a family; N.L. fem. pl. n. Poseidoniaceae, the Poseidonia family | The description is the same as for Poseidonia gen. nov. with the following additions. Poseidoniaceae fam. nov. was previously known as and “Group II-∝” and “Marine Group IIa”. Eleven genus-level clades I, J1, J2, J3, K1, K2, L1, L2, L3, L4, and Poseidonia (M) representing the rank of genera were assigned to this family. All members of the family were inferred to be marine, motile heterotrophs, encoding phototrophic and non-phototrophic lifestyles with a distribution from surface waters to the deep sea (1m-500m). Type genus: Poseidonia gen. nov.
Poseidoniales | Poseidonia | |
Genus Poseidonia | ['ni.a] N.L. fem. n. Poseidonia, named after Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea |
Poseidonia named after Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea. Inferred to be of marine origin, a motile, aerobic, photoheterotroph, and able to ferment a wide range of carbohydrates with a focus on peptides. Highest abundances were recorded for surface waters (0-10m). Formerly identified as clade M.
Poseidoniaceae | Poseidonia alphaeTs | |
Genus Thalassarchaeum | [Tha.las.sar.chae'um] Gr. fem. n. thalassa, the sea; also the primeval spirit of the sea; ; N.L. neut. n. archaeum , (from Gr. adj. archaios -ê -on, ancient) archaeon; N.L. neut. n. Thalassarchaeum, the archaeon from the sea | Thalassarchaeum the archaeon from the sea. Inferred to be of marine origin, representing non-motile, aerobic heterotrophs containing phototrophic and non-phototrophic members. Formerly identified as clade O and now as genus O4 (this study). This genus name is proposed for continuity with the orthographically incorrect “Thalassoarchaea” suggested by [10.1038/ismej.2014.249] for low GC MGIIb fosmid-genomes. Type species: Thalassarchaeum betae.
Thalassarchaeaceae | Thalassarchaeum betaeTs | |
Species Thalassarchaeum betaeTs | [be'tae] N.L. gen. n. betae, the second letter for the Greek alphabet; named to honour the original description of this group as II-β | Description is the same as for Candidatus Thalassarchaeum gen. nov. Represented by the MAG (metagenome-assembled genome) GCA_003193925.1 (former ID: PSPG00000000) with a genome size of 1.48 Mbp; obtained from metagenomic sequences retrieved from water deep sea water sample (1953 to 4946m) from the Mid-Cayman Rise, in western Caribbean Sea (18.32 N, 81.43 W).
Thalassarchaeum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_003193925.1 Ts | |
Species Poseidonia alphaeTs | [alphae] N.L. gen. n. alphae, alpha, the first letter of Greek alphabet; to honour the original description of this group as II-∝ |
Poseidonia named after Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea). Inferred to be of marine origin, a motile, aerobic, photoheterotroph, and able to ferment a wide range of carbohydrates with a focus on peptides. Highest abundances were recorded for surface waters (0-10m).
Poseidonia | NCBI Assembly: GCA_002505405.1 Ts | |