Table 1: Complete list of names proposed in the current register list.
Proposed Taxon | Etymology | Description | Parent Taxon | Type | Registry URL |
Order Foliamicales | ['les] N.L. masc. n. Foliamicus, referring to the type genus Foliamicus; -ales, ending to denote an order; N.L. fem. pl. n. Foliamicales, the Foliamicus order | The order of the type genus Foliamicus.
Gammaproteobacteria | Foliamicus | |
Order Porifericomitales | ['les] N.L. masc. n. Porifericomes, referring to the type genus Porifericomes; -ales, ending to denote an order; N.L. fem. pl. n. Porifericomitales, the Porifericomes order | The order of the genus Porifericomes
Gammaproteobacteria | Porifericomes | |
Family Porifericomitaceae | ['] N.L. masc. n. Porifericomes, referring to the type genus Porifericomes; -aceae, ending to denote a family; N.L. fem. pl. n. Porifericomitaceae, the Porifericomes family | The family of the genus Porifericomes.
Porifericomitales | Porifericomes | |
Family Foliamicaceae | ['] N.L. masc. n. Foliamicus, referring to the type genus Foliamicus; -aceae, ending to denote a family; N.L. fem. pl. n. Foliamicaceae, the Foliamicus family | The family of the type genus Foliamicus.
Foliamicales | Foliamicus | |
Genus Foliamicus | [Foliamicus] L. neut. n. folium, leaf; L. masc. adj. amicus, kind; N.L. masc. n. Foliamicus, loving a leafy structure | A gammaproteobacterial symbiont of a sponge
Foliamicaceae | Foliamicus numerosusTs | |
Genus Porifericomes | [Porifericomes] N.L. neut. pl. n. Porifera, the phylum of sponges; L. masc. n. comes, companion; N.L. masc. n. Porifericomes, a companion of a sponge | A gammaproteobacterial symbiont of a sponge
Porifericomitaceae | Porifericomes azotivoransTs | |
Species Porifericomes azotivoransTs | [azotivorans] N.L. neut. n. azotum, nitrogen; L. pres. part. vorans, devouring; N.L. masc. part. adj. azotivorans, devour nitrogen | A gammaproteobacterial symbiont of a sponges. The type genome was originally recovered in Robbins et al. (2021).
Porifericomes | NCBI Assembly: GCA_028817255.1 Ts | |
Species Foliamicus numerosusTs | [numerosus] L. masc. adj. numerosus, numerous | A gammaproteobacterial symbiont of sponges
Foliamicus | INSDC Nucleotide: JAPYNE000000000 Ts | |