SeqCode Registry
Register List [2023]

Obscuribacter gen. nov. and Obscuribacter phosphatis sp. nov.

Submitted by Chuvochina, Maria

Order Obscuribacterales

[Ob.scu.ri.bac.te.ra'les] N.L. masc. n. Obscuribacter, type genus of the order; -ales, ending to denote an order; N.L. fem. pl. n. Obscuribacterales, the Obscuribacter order
Nomenclatural type
Genus Obscuribacter
The description is the same as given by (Soo et al., 2014). 
Bacteria » Cyanobacteriota » Vampirovibrionophyceae » Obscuribacterales
Effective publication: Soo et al., 2014 [1]

Genus Obscuribacter

[Ob.scu.ri.bac'ter] L. masc. adj. obscurus, dark; N.L. masc. n. bacter, a rod; N.L. masc. n. Obscuribacter, a bacterium found in the dark
Nomenclatural type
Species Obscuribacter phosphatisTs
The description is the same as given to the type species by Soo et al. (2014). 
Bacteria » Cyanobacteriota » Vampirovibrionophyceae » Obscuribacterales » Obscuribacteraceae » Obscuribacter
Effective publication: Soo et al., 2014 [1]

Species Obscuribacter phosphatisTs

[phos.pha'tis] N.L. gen. n. phosphatis, of phosphate, accumulating phosphate
Nomenclatural type
NCBI Assembly: GCA_001899315.1 Ts
The description is the same as provided by Soo et al. (2014):
EBPR_351 representing the order Obscuribacterales is conspicuous among the Melainabacteria genomes because of its larger size (5 Mb) and associated metabolic versatility. Obscuribacter phosphatis contains the genes necessary for polyphosphate metabolism, including a low-affinity inorganic phosphate transporter (PiT), polyphosphate kinase 1 (used to synthesize or degrade polyP while consuming or generating, respectively, ATP directly), polyphosphate kinase 2 (degrades polyP producing GTP from GDP), exopolyphosphatase (degrades polyP in a nonreversible reaction that does not generate ATP directly), polyphosphate:AMP phosphotransferase and adenylate kinase (Seviour and Nielsen 2010). Obscuribacter phosphatis has the capacity for aerobic and anaerobic respiration, and fermentation, allowing it to function during both the oxic and anoxic phases of EBPR (Blackall et al. 2002). It contains genes encoding a complete respiratory chain including Complexes I, II, III, and IV and an F-Type ATPase.
Bacteria » Cyanobacteriota » Vampirovibrionophyceae » Obscuribacterales » Obscuribacteraceae » Obscuribacter » Obscuribacter phosphatisTs
Effective publication: Soo et al., 2014 [1]


  1. Soo et al. (2014). An Expanded Genomic Representation of the Phylum Cyanobacteria. Genome Biology and Evolution. DOI:10.1093/gbe/evu073

Register List Certificate of Validation

On behalf of the Committee on the Systematics of Prokaryotes Described from Sequence Data (SeqCode Committee), we hereby certify that the Register List submitted by Chuvochina, Maria and including 3 new names has been successfully validated.

Date of Priority: 2023-08-22 04:03 UTC
DOI: 10.57973/seqcode.r:j8zlzpo9