SeqCode Registry
Register List [2024]

Shikimatogenerans silvanidophilus sp. nov. gen. nov.

Submitted by Kiefer, Julian

Table 1: Complete list of names proposed in the current register list.

Proposed Taxon Etymology Description Parent Taxon Type Registry URL
Genus Shikimatogenerans ['rans] N.L. masc. n. shikimas, shikimate; L. pres. part. generans, producing; N.L. masc. n. Shikimatogenerans, shikimate producing bacteria
The genus name "Shikimatogenerans" is coined from the Latin roots "shikimato," denoting the shikimate pathway, and "generans," emphasizing its generative or producing capabilities. This nomenclature is proposed in recognition of the organism's distinct proficiency in executing the shikimate pathway, as elucidated by our investigations into the endosymbiont associated with Oryzaephilus surinamensis.

The choice of the genus name is centered on the organism's remarkable metabolic feature—the shikimate pathway—a vital biochemical route integral to the synthesis of essential aromatic compounds. "Shikimatogenerans" encapsulates the organism's notable capacity to engage in this crucial metabolic process.

By adopting this genus name, we aim to highlight and categorize bacteria sharing this metabolic trait, contributing to a more refined taxonomic understanding. The term "Shikimatogenerans" serves as a beacon, guiding future taxonomic considerations for related Bacteroidetes bacteria associated with various beetle families, as suggested by prior studies.

In essence, "Shikimatogenerans" stands as a testament to the organism's distinctive metabolic prowess, facilitating the systematic classification of bacteria with shared biochemical characteristics.
Flavobacteriaceae Shikimatogenerans silvanidophilusTs
Species Shikimatogenerans silvanidophilusTs ['lus] N.L. n. Silvanidae, family of beetles from forested environments.; N.L. masc. suff. -philus, affinity or association with; N.L. masc. adj. silvanidophilus, association with or love of Silvanidae beetles.
We propose the name ‘Shikimatogenerans silvanidophilus OSUR’ for this endosymbiont of Oryzaephilus surinamensis, henceforth called S. silvanidophilus. The genus name Shikimatogenerans refers to its ability to perform the shikimate pathway. Previous studies have shown that there might be other closely related Bacteroidetes bacteria associated with other beetle families. Thus, we propose silvanidophilus as species name to indicate that this symbiont is associated with beetles of the family Silvanidae. As the same studies also revealed that O. mercator has a similar symbiont we also propose to add OSUR to identify the strain associated with O. surinamensis.
Shikimatogenerans NCBI Assembly: GCA_018200315.1 Ts