SeqCode Registry
Register List [2024]

Register list for 38 new names from Eremiobacterota including Xenobiaceae fam. nov.

Submitted by Ferrari, Belinda

Table 1: Complete list of names proposed in the current register list.

Proposed Taxon Etymology Description Parent Taxon Type Registry URL
Class Eremiobacteria ['ri.a] N.L. masc. n. Eremiobacter, a rod from a desert; -ia, ending to denote a class; N.L. neut. pl. n. Eremiobacteria, the Eremiobacter class
Class defined based on 16S rRNA phylogeny and phylogenomic analysis of 15 ribosomal proteins and the GTDB.
Eremiobacterota Eremiobacter
Class Xenobiia ['ia] N.L. neut. n. Xenobium, foreign life, referencing the artificial environment from which it was recovered; -ia, ending to denote a class; N.L. neut. pl. n. Xenobiia, the Xenobium class
Class defined based on 16S rRNA phylogeny and phylogenomic analysis of 15 ribosomal proteins and the GTDB. Defined as a class-level lineage based on UBP9 in Parks et al (2017).
Eremiobacterota Xenobium
Order Eremiobacterales ['les] N.L. masc. n. Eremiobacter, a rod from a desert; -ales, ending to denote an order; N.L. fem. pl. n. Eremiobacterales, the Eremiobacter order
Order defined based on 16S rRNA phylogeny and phylogenomic analysis of 15 ribosomal proteins and the GTDB.
Eremiobacteria Eremiobacter
Order Xenobiales ['les] N.L. neut. n. Xenobium, foreign life, referencing the artificial environment from which it was recovered; -ales, ending to denote an order; N.L. fem. pl. n. Xenobiales, the Xenobium order
Order defined based on 16S rRNA phylogeny and phylogenomic analysis of 15 ribosomal proteins and the GTDB. Defined as an order-level lineage based on UBA4705 in Parks et al (2017).
Xenobiia Xenobium
Family Eremiobacteraceae ['ae] N.L. masc. n. Eremiobacter, a rod from a desert; N.L. suff. -aceae, ending to denote a family; N.L. fem. pl. n. Eremiobacteraceae, the Eremiobacter family
Family defined based on 16S rRNA phylogeny and phylogenomic analysis of 15 ribosomal proteins and the GTDB.
Eremiobacterales Eremiobacter
Family Xenobiaceae ['ae] N.L. neut. n. Xenobium, foreign life, referencing the artificial environment from which it was recovered; -aceae, ending to denote a family; N.L. fem. pl. n. Xenobiaceae, the Xenobium family
Family defined based on 16S rRNA phylogeny and phylogenomic analysis of 15 ribosomal proteins and the GTDB. Defined as a family-level lineage based on UBA4705 in Parks et al (2017).
Xenobiales Xenobium
Genus Erabacter [Era.bac'ter] Gr. fem. n. era, -ae, earth; N.L. masc. n. bacter, a rod; N.L. masc. n. Erabacter, earth bacterium, in reference to the recovery from soil
Genus defined based on 16S rRNA phylogeny and phylogenomic analysis of 15 ribosomal proteins and the GTDB.
Baltobacteraceae Erabacter solicolaTs
Genus Lustribacter [Lus.tri.bac'ter] L. neut. n. lustrum, bog; N.L. masc. n. bacter, a rod; N.L. masc. n. Lustribacter, bacterium from the bog, in reference to the recovery from a bog
Genus defined based on 16S rRNA phylogeny and phylogenomic analysis of 15 ribosomal proteins and the GTDB.
Baltobacteraceae Lustribacter telmatisTs
Genus Tityobacter ['cter] Gr. masc. n. Tityos, in Greek mythology, giant born from the earth, son of Elara; N.L. masc. n. bacter, a rod; N.L. masc. n. Tityobacter, bacterium named after Tityos (giant born from the earth), in reference to the recovery from soil
Genus defined based on 16S rRNA phylogeny and phylogenomic analysis of 15 ribosomal proteins and the GTDB.
Baltobacteraceae Tityobacter terrigenaTs
Genus Mawsoniella ['] N.L. fem. dim. n. Mawsoniella, in honor of Sir Douglas Mawson, an Australian Antarctic explorer and pioneer
Genus defined based on 16S rRNA phylogeny and phylogenomic analysis of 15 ribosomal proteins and the GTDB.
Eremiobacteraceae Mawsoniella australisTs
Genus Eremiobacter ['ter] Gr. fem. n. eremia, desert, wilderness; N.L. masc. n. bacter, a rod; N.L. masc. n. Eremiobacter, a rod from a desert
Type genus of Eremiobacterota. Genus defined based on phylogenomics of 38 conserved marker genes and the lack of any named close relative at the time.
Eremiobacteraceae Eremiobacter antarcticusTs
Genus Elarobacter ['ter] Gr. fem. n. Elara, maiden in Greek mythology who was hidden beneath the earth, where she gave birth to Tityus; N.L. masc. n. bacter, a rod; N.L. masc. n. Elarobacter, in reference to a bacterium recovered from soil
Genus defined based on 16S rRNA phylogeny and phylogenomic analysis of 15 ribosomal proteins and the GTDB.
Baltobacteraceae Elarobacter winogradskyiTs
Genus Bruticola ['la] L. masc. n. brutus, of animals, beasts; L. masc. / fem. suff. -cola, inhabitant, dweller; N.L. fem. n. Bruticola, animal-dweller, in reference to the mammal (baboon) fecal microbiome
Genus defined based on 16S rRNA phylogeny and phylogenomic analysis of 15 ribosomal proteins and the GTDB.
Xenobiaceae Bruticola papionisTs
Genus Cybelea ['le.a] N.L. fem. n. Cybelea, a bacterium named after Cybele, an ancient Anatolian earth goddess, in reference to the recovery from soil
Genus defined based on 16S rRNA phylogeny and phylogenomic analysis of 15 ribosomal proteins and the GTDB.
Baltobacteraceae Cybelea septentrionalisTs
Genus Meridianibacter ['ter] L. masc. adj. meridianus, southern; N.L. masc. n. bacter, a rod; N.L. masc. n. Meridianibacter, southern bacterium, in reference to the recovery from Antarctic soil
Genus defined based on 16S rRNA phylogeny and phylogenomic analysis of 15 ribosomal proteins and the GTDB.
Baltobacteraceae Meridianibacter frigidusTs
Genus Tyrphobacter ['cter] Gr. n. tyrpha, -ae, peat; N.L. masc. n. bacter, a rod; N.L. masc. n. Tyrphobacter, bacterium from the peat, in reference to the recovery from peatlands
Genus defined based on 16S rRNA phylogeny and phylogenomic analysis of 15 ribosomal proteins and the GTDB.
Baltobacteraceae Tyrphobacter aquilonarisTs
Genus Velthaea [Vel.tha'ea] N.L. fem. n. Velthaea, bacterium named after ancient Etruscan earth god Veltha, in reference to to the recovery from soil
Genus defined based on 16S rRNA phylogeny and phylogenomic analysis of 15 ribosomal proteins and the GTDB.
Baltobacteraceae Velthaea versatilisTs
Genus Tumulicola ['] L. masc. n. tumulus, mound, hill; L. masc. / fem. suff. -cola, inhabitant, dweller; N.L. fem. n. Tumulicola, mound-dweller, in reference to the recovery from a palsa (mound)
Genus defined based on 16S rRNA phylogeny and phylogenomic analysis of 15 ribosomal proteins and the GTDB.
Baltobacteraceae Tumulicola scandinaviensisTs
Genus Zemelea ['a] N.L. fem. n. Zemelea, , named for Zemele, Lithuanian earth goddess, in reference to the recovery from soil
Genus defined based on 16S rRNA phylogeny and phylogenomic analysis of 15 ribosomal proteins and the GTDB.
Baltobacteraceae Zemelea palustrisTs
Genus Xenobium ['] Gr. adj. xenos, strange, foreign; Gr. masc. n. bios, life; N.L. neut. n. Xenobium, foreign life, referencing the artificial environment from which it was recovered
Genus defined based on 16S rRNA phylogeny and phylogenomic analysis of 15 ribosomal proteins and the GTDB.
Xenobiaceae Xenobium occultumTs
Genus Nyctobacter ['cter] Gr. fem. n. Nyx, primordial goddess of the night in Greek mythology; N.L. masc. n. bacter, a rod; N.L. masc. n. Nyctobacter, refering to a bacterium capable of 'dark' carbon fixation (chemolithoautotrophy), as well as the long and dark winter of Antarctica
Genus defined based on 16S rRNA phylogeny and phylogenomic analysis of 15 ribosomal proteins and the GTDB.
Baltobacteraceae Nyctobacter psychrophilusTs
Species Cybelea tumulisoli ['li] L. masc. n. tumulus, mound, hill; L. neut. n. solum, soil; N.L. gen. n. tumulisoli, from the mound soil, in reference to palsa
Obligate heterotroph. Organic substrates include peptides, amino acids, carboxylates, taurine, urea, sarcosine, PVA, arylsulfates, poly- and oligosaccharides, sugars, fluoroacetate. Degradation of β-glucan (GH1), xylan (GH10), chitin (GH18), and xyloglucan (GH74). PHA storage. Polyphosphate storage. Also defined based on ANI, and phylogenies of 16S rRNA gene, 15 ribosomal proteins, and the GTDB.
Cybelea NCBI Assembly: GCA_003167155.1 Ts
Species Tyrphobacter aquilonarisTs ['ris] L. masc. adj. aquilonaris, northern, northernly
Obligate heterotroph. Organic substrates include peptides, amino acids, carboxylates, methanol, poly- and oligosaccharides, sugars. PHA storage. Polyphosphate storage. Also defined based on ANI, and phylogenies of 16S rRNA gene, 15 ribosomal proteins, and the GTDB.
Tyrphobacter NCBI Assembly: GCA_003133745.1 Ts
Species Tumulicola scandinaviensisTs ['sis] L. fem. n. Scandinavia, region in northern Europe; -ensis, of or from (a place); N.L. fem. adj. scandinaviensis, from Scandinavia (Sweden)
Obligate heterotroph. CO oxidation. Organic substrates include peptides, amino acids, carboxylates, taurine, acetate, sarcosine, arylsulfates, poly- and oligosaccharides, sugars. PHA storage. Also defined based on ANI, and phylogenies of 16S rRNA gene, 15 ribosomal proteins, and the GTDB.
Tumulicola NCBI Assembly: GCA_003140835.1 Ts
Species Velthaea versatilisTs ['ti.lis] L. fem. adj. versatilis, versatile, in reference to metabolic versatility
Heterotroph and autotroph. Hydrogenotrophic chemolithoautotrophy using Group 1h [NiFe] hydrogenase and CBB cycle; capable of using atmospheric H2. Photoautotrophy; carboxysomes; photoreceptors. CO oxidation. Anaerobic respiration: sulfoxides. Assimilatory nitrate reduction. Organic substrates include peptides, amino acids, carboxylates, glycerol, taurine, urea, cyanate, sarcosine, alcohols (including methanol, ethanol), poly- and oligosaccharides, sugars, catechol, propane. PHA storage; glycogen storage. Motile by flagella (including phototaxis). Polyphosphate storage. Bidirectional [NiFe] hydrogenase (Group 3b). Also defined based on ANI, and phylogenies of 16S rRNA gene, 15 ribosomal proteins, and the GTDB.
Velthaea NCBI Assembly: GCA_003134035.1 Ts
Species Meridianibacter frigidusTs [fri'gi.dus] L. masc. adj. frigidus, cold
Obligate heterotroph. Organic substrates include peptides, amino acids, carboxylates, poly- and oligosaccharides, sugars. Polyphosphate storage. Also defined based on ANI, and phylogenies of 16S rRNA gene, 15 ribosomal proteins, and the GTDB.
Meridianibacter NCBI Assembly: GCA_003243975.1 Ts
Species Nyctobacter psychrophilusTs [psy.chro'phi.lus] Gr. adj. psychros, cold; Gr. adj. philos, loving; N.L. masc. adj. psychrophilus, cold-loving
Heterotroph and autotroph. Hydrogenotrophic chemolithoautotrophy using Group 1h [NiFe] hydrogenase and CBB cycle; capable of using atmospheric H2. Organic substrates include peptides, amino acids, carboxylates, poly- and oligosaccharides, sugars. PHA storage; glycogen storage. Polyphosphate storage. Also defined based on ANI, and phylogenies of 16S rRNA gene, 15 ribosomal proteins, and the GTDB.
Nyctobacter NCBI Assembly: GCA_014305025.1 Ts
Species Lustribacter telmatisTs [tel'ma.tis] Gr. n. telma, swamp; N.L. gen. n. telmatis, of the bog
Obligate heterotroph. Hydrogen oxidation using Group 1h [NiFe] hydrogenase. Anaerobic respiration: urocanate. Organic substrates include peptides, amino acids, carboxylates, taurine, urea, cyanate, acetate, formate, alcohols (including methanol, ethanol), arylsulfates, alkanesulfonates, oligosaccharides, sugars, fluoroacetate, halobenzoate, phenoxypropionate, ethylbenzene, 4-hydroxybenzoate, 4-sulfocatechol. PHA storage; glycogen storage. Motile by flagella. Polyphosphate storage. Also defined based on ANI, and phylogenies of 16S rRNA gene, 15 ribosomal proteins, and the GTDB.
Lustribacter NCBI Assembly: GCA_003164045.1 Ts
Species Tityobacter terrigenaTs ['na] L. masc. adj. terrigena, born of or from the earth; L. masc. adj. terrigena, earth-born; in reference to the recovery from soil
Heterotroph and autotroph. CO oxidation. Hydrogenotrophic chemolithoautotrophy using Group 1h [NiFe] hydrogenase and CBB cycle; capable of using atmospheric H2. Organic substrates include peptides, amino acids, carboxylates, glycerol, taurine, acetate, alcohols (including methanol, ethanol, polyvinyl alcohol), aldehydes, poly- and oligosaccharides, sugars, fluoroacetate, catechol. Glycogen storage. Polyphosphate storage. BMC for sequestering toxic metabolites. Also defined based on ANI, and phylogenies of 16S rRNA gene, 15 ribosomal proteins, and the GTDB.
Tityobacter NCBI Assembly: GCA_003156715.1 Ts
Species Cybelea septentrionalisTs ['lis] L. fem. adj. septentrionalis, northern
Obligate heterotroph. Hydrogen oxidation using Group 1h [NiFe] hydrogenase. Organic substrates include peptides, amino acids, carboxylates, taurine, urea, sarcosine, PVA, arylsulfates, poly- and oligosaccharides, sugars, fluoroacetate. Degradation of β-glucan (GH1, GH16), cellulose/β-glucan (GH5_40), chitin (GH18), β-D-galactoside (GH35), and xyloglucan (GH74). PHA storage. Polyphosphate storage. Also defined based on ANI, and phylogenies of 16S rRNA gene, 15 ribosomal proteins, and the GTDB.
Cybelea NCBI Assembly: GCA_003158175.1 Ts
Species Xenobium occultumTs [oc.cul'tum] L. neut. adj. occultum, hidden
Obligate heterotroph. Microaerobic; anaerobic respiration by DNRA. Fermentative. Organic substrates include peptides, amino acids, carboxylates, glycerol, poly- and oligosaccharides, sugars, 4-hydroxybenzoate. Degradation of β-glucosides (GH3), cellulose (endoglucanase GH5_5), starch (cyclomaltodextrinase GH13, and GH13_2; 4-α-glucanotransferase GH77), maltodextrin (GH13_21), α-glucans (GH31), trehalose (GH37), and xyloglucan (GH74). PHA storage; glycogen storage. Also defined based on ANI, and phylogenies of 16S rRNA gene, 15 ribosomal proteins, and the GTDB.
Xenobium NCBI Assembly: GCA_002423485.1 Ts
Species Cybelea palsarum ['rum] N.L. fem. n. palsa, peat mound (from Finnish palsa); N.L. gen. pl. n. palsarum, from palsa wetlands
Obligate heterotroph. Organic substrates include peptides, amino acids, carboxylates, taurine, urea, sarcosine, PVA, arylsulfates, poly- and oligosaccharides, sugars, fluoroacetate. Degradation of β-glucan (GH1, GH16), cellulose/β-glucan (GH5_40), chitin (GH18), β-D-galactoside (GH35), and xyloglucan (GH74). PHA storage. Polyphosphate storage. Also defined based on ANI, and phylogenies of 16S rRNA gene, 15 ribosomal proteins, and the GTDB.
Cybelea NCBI Assembly: GCA_003166915.1 Ts
Species Elarobacter winogradskyiTs ['skyi] N.L. gen. n. winogradskyi, in honor of Sergei Winogradsky, Russian microbiologist and ecologist
Obligate heterotroph. CO oxidation. Organic substrates include peptides, amino acids, carboxylates, glycerol, urea, acetate, sarcosine, formate, ethanol, oligosaccharides, sugars, fluoroacetate. Degradation of trehalose (GH15), α-mannoside (GH38), and xyloglucan (GH74). PHA storage; glycogen storage. Polyphosphate storage. Motile by flagella. Also defined based on ANI, and phylogenies of 16S rRNA gene, 15 ribosomal proteins, and the GTDB.
Elarobacter NCBI Assembly: GCA_003134965.1 Ts
Species Erabacter solicolaTs ['la] L. neut. n. solum, soil; L. masc. / fem. suff. -cola, inhabitant, dweller; N.L. masc. n. solicola, inhabitant of the soil
Obligate heterotroph. Organic substrates include peptides, amino acids, carboxylates, sarcosine, poly- and oligosaccharides, sugars. PHA storage. Also defined based on ANI, and phylogenies of 16S rRNA gene, 15 ribosomal proteins, and the GTDB.
Erabacter NCBI Assembly: GCA_003136895.1 Ts
Species Zemelea palustrisTs [pa.lus'tris] L. fem. adj. palustris, marshy, swampy
Obligate heterotroph. Anaerobic respiration: nitrate. Organic substrates include peptides, amino acids, carboxylates, sarcosine, formate, poly- and oligosaccharides, sugars. PHA storage. Also defined based on ANI, and phylogenies of 16S rRNA gene, 15 ribosomal proteins, and the GTDB.
Zemelea NCBI Assembly: GCA_003134695.1 Ts
Species Bruticola papionisTs [pa.pi.o'nis] N.L. gen. n. papionis, pertaining to Papio, the primate genus that includes baboons
Obligate heterotroph. Fermentative (no respiration). Organic substrates include peptides, amino acids, citrate, starch, maltodextrin, glucose. Bidirectional Fe-only hydrogenases (for redox balance?). Glycogen storage. Also defined based on ANI, and phylogenies of 16S rRNA gene, 15 ribosomal proteins, and the GTDB.
Bruticola NCBI Assembly: GCA_002407045.1 Ts
Species Eremiobacter antarcticusTs [an.tar'cti.cus] L. masc. adj. antarcticus, southern, pertaining to Antarctica
Heterotroph and autotroph. Hydrogenotrophic chemolithoautotrophy using Group 1h [NiFe] hydrogenase and CBB cycle; capable of using atmospheric H2. Organic substrates include peptides, amino acids, carboxylates, acetate, sarcosine, formate, methanol, poly- and oligosaccharides, sugars, catechol, 4-hydroxybenzoate. Glycogen storage. Also defined based on ANI, and phylogenies of 16S rRNA gene, 15 ribosomal proteins, and the GTDB.
Eremiobacter NCBI Assembly: GCA_003244105.1 Ts
Species Mawsoniella australisTs [aus.tra'lis] L. fem. adj. australis, southern, of the south wind, in reference to the recovery from the southern continent of Antarctica
Obligate heterotroph. Hydrogen oxidation using Group 1h [NiFe] hydrogenase. Organic substrates include peptides, amino acids, carboxylates, sarcosine, oligosaccharides, sugars, catechol, 4hydroxybenzoate. PHA storage. Polyphosphate storage. Also defined based on ANI, and phylogenies of 16S rRNA gene, 15 ribosomal proteins, and the GTDB.
Mawsoniella NCBI Assembly: GCA_014304875.1 Ts