SeqCode Registry
Register List [2024]

Algichlamydia australiensis gen. nov. sp. nov.

Submitted by Maire, Justin

Table 1: Complete list of names proposed in the current register list.

Proposed Taxon Etymology Description Parent Taxon Type Registry URL
Genus Algichlamydia [''dia] L. fem. n. Algi, alga or seaweed; N.L. fem. n. chlamydia, taxonomic name of a bacterial genus; N.L. fem. n. Algichlamydia, chlamydiae able to infect algae
Algichlamydia (’’dia. L. fem. n. alga, alga or seaweed; N.L. fem. n. Chlamydia, taxonomic name of a bacterial genus; Algichlamydia referring to chlamydiae infecting algae). The genus Algichlamydia represents a distinct, deep-branching lineage within the Simkaniaceae family. 
Simkaniaceae Algichlamydia australiensisTs
Species Algichlamydia australiensisTs ['sis] N.L. fem. adj. australiensis, of or belonging to Australia, the country where the host of this bacteria was isolated
Type genome: Cla49, infecting a laboratory culture of Cladocopium sp. SCF049.01, itself isolated from the coral Pocillopora damicornis from Davies Reef, Australia. 
Algichlamydia NCBI Assembly: GCA_033977065.1 Ts