SeqCode Registry
Register List [2022]

Register list for 3 new names including Pristimantibacillus lignocellulolyticus sp. nov.

Submitted by Jimenez, Diego

Table 1: Complete list of names proposed in the current register list.

Proposed Taxon Etymology Description Parent Taxon Type Registry URL
Genus Pristimantibacillus ['lus] N.L. masc. n. Pristimantis, from Pristimantis natural reserve, where soil samples were taken to select the minimal lignocellulolytic bacterial consortium including a member of this taxon; L. masc. n. bacillus, little staff, a rod; N.L. masc. n. Pristimantibacillus, a rod-shapped cell from Pristimantis natural reserve
A genus established on the basis of MiGA taxonomic novelty analyses, AAI, dDDH, 16S rRNA gene phylogenetic reconstruction, and phylogenomic analyses and is classified as a member of the Paenibacillaceae family. The type species of the genus is Pristimantibacillus lignocellulolyticus.
Paenibacillaceae Pristimantibacillus lignocellulolyticusTs
Species Pristimantibacillus lignocellulolyticusTs ['ti.cus] N.L. neut. n. lignocellulosum, lignocellulose; N.L. masc. adj. lyticus, (from Gr. masc. adj. lytikos) able to dissolve; N.L. masc. adj. lignocellulolyticus, capable of degrading lignocellulose as part of a lignocellulolytic bacterial consortium
The species is established on the same basis as the genus and the type material is the genome MAG5.
Pristimantibacillus INSDC Nucleotide: CP097899.1 Ts
Species Ochrobactrum gambitense ['se] N.L. neut. adj. gambitense, of Gambita, the municipally where soil samples were taken to select the minimal lignocellulolytic bacterial consortium "MELMC"
The species is established on the basis of MiGA taxonomic novelty analysis, and the type material is the genome MAG4.
Ochrobactrum INSDC Nucleotide: CP098020.1 Ts