SeqCode Registry
Register List [2024]

Symbiodolus clandestinus sp. nov.

Submitted by Wierz, Jürgen

Table 1: Complete list of names proposed in the current register list.

Proposed Taxon Etymology Description Parent Taxon Type Registry URL
Genus Symbiodolus ['lus] Gr. masc. / fem. n. symbios, companion; L. masc. n. dolus, malice, bad faith, and the Roman and Greek deity of that is the personification of deception and fraud; N.L. masc. n. Symbiodolus, living in symbiosis, but in a deceitful way
Monophyletic clade of intracellular symbionts within the Gammaproteobacteria; Enterobacterales, defined by its 16S rRNA gene sequences as well as (draft) genomes of 16 symbiont strains associated with insects across six different orders. For this so far uncultured, rod-shaped bacterium with an average length of about 1 µm, we propose the name ‘Symbiodolus gen. nov.’ 'clandestinus sp. nov.'
Enterobacteriaceae Symbiodolus clandestinusTs
Species Symbiodolus clandestinusTs ['nus] L. masc. adj. clandestinus, secret or hidden
Monophyletic clade of intracellular symbionts within the Gammaproteobacteria; Enterobacterales, defined by its 16S rRNA gene sequences as well as (draft) genomes of 16 symbiont strains associated with insects across six different orders. For this so far uncultured, rod-shaped bacterium with an average length of about 1 µm, we propose the name ‘Symbiodolus clandestinus' gen. nov. sp. nov.
Symbiodolus INSDC Nucleotide: CP152425.1 Ts