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Archaeal mevalonate pathway in the uncultured bacterium Candidatus Promineifilum breve belonging to the phylum Chloroflexota

Kanno et al. (2024). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 90 (8)
Promineifilum breve Ts
ABSTRACT The archaeal mevalonate pathway is a recently discovered modified version of the eukaryotic mevalonate pathway. This pathway is widely conserved in archaea, except for some archaeal lineages possessing the eukaryotic or other modified mevalonate pathways. Although the pathway seems almost exclusive to the domain Archaea, the whole set of homologous genes of the pathway is found in the metagenome-assembled genome sequence of an uncultiva

Candidatus Subterrananammoxibiaceae,” a New Anammox Bacterial Family in Globally Distributed Marine and Terrestrial Subsurfaces

Zhao et al. (2023). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 89 (8)
Ca. Subterrananammoxibiaceae
Microorganisms called anammox bacteria are efficient in removing bioavailable nitrogen from many natural and human-made environments. They exist in almost every anoxic habitat where both ammonium and nitrate/nitrite are present.

Candidatus Nealsonbacteria” Are Likely Biomass Recycling Ectosymbionts of Methanogenic Archaea in a Stable Benzene-Degrading Enrichment Culture

Chen et al. (2023). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 89 (5)
An anaerobic microbial enrichment culture was used to study members of candidate phyla that are difficult to grow in the lab. We were able to visualize tiny “ Candidatus Nealsonbacteria” cells attached to a large Methanothrix cell, revealing a novel episymbiosis.

Occurrence, Diversity, and Genomes of “ Candidatus Patescibacteria” along the Early Diagenesis of Marine Sediments

Zhao et al. (2022). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 88 (24)
Ca. Patescibacteria
Ultrasmall-celled “ Ca. Patescibacteria” have been estimated to account for one-quarter of the total microbial diversity on Earth, the parasitic lifestyle of which may exert a profound control on the overall microbial population size of the local ecosystems. However, their diversity and metabolic functions in marine sediments, one of the largest yet understudied ecosystems on Earth, remain virtually uncharacterized.

Dehalogenation of Chlorinated Ethenes to Ethene by a Novel Isolate, “ Candidatus Dehalogenimonas etheniformans”

Chen et al. (2022). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 88 (12)
Ca. Dehalogenimonas etheniformans
Chlorinated ethenes are risk drivers at many contaminated sites, and current bioremediation efforts focus on organohalide-respiring Dehalococcoides mccartyi strains to achieve detoxification. We isolated and characterized the first non- Dehalococcoides bacterium, “ Candidatus Dehalogenimonas etheniformans” strain GP, capable of metabolic reductive dechlorination of TCE, all DCE isomers, and VC to environmentally

Methanosaeta and “ Candidatus Velamenicoccus archaeovorus”

Kizina et al. (2022). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 88 (7)
Velaminicoccus archaeovorus Ts Velaminicoccus
Epibiotic bacteria are known to live on and off bacterial cells. Here, we describe the ultramicrobacterial anaerobic epibiont OP3 LiM living on Archaea and Bacteria .

The “Other” Rickettsiales : an Overview of the Family “ Candidatus Midichloriaceae”

Giannotti et al. (2022). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 88 (6)
“Midichloriaceae” Ca. Midichloriaceae
Among endosymbiotic bacterial lineages, few are as intensely studied as Rickettsiales , which include the causative agents of spotted fever, typhus, and anaplasmosis. However, an important subgroup called “ Candidatus Midichloriaceae” receives little attention despite accounting for a third of the diversity of Rickettsiales and harboring a wide range of bacteria with unique features, like the ability to infect m

Candidatus Kaistella beijingensis sp. nov., Isolated from a Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant, Is Involved in Sludge Foaming

Song et al. (2021). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 87 (24)
Ca. Kaistella beijingensis
Biological foaming or scumming is a sludge separation problem that has become the subject of major concern for long-term stable activated sludge operation in decades. Biological foaming was considered induced by foaming bacteria.

Genomic Insights into the Ecological Role and Evolution of a Novel Thermoplasmata Order, “ Candidatus Sysuiplasmatales”

Yuan et al. (2021). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 87 (22)
Ca. Sysuiplasmatales
A wide array of archaea populate Earth’s extreme environments; therefore, they may play important roles in mediating biogeochemical processes such as iron and sulfur cycling. However, our knowledge of archaeal biology and evolution is still limited considering that the majority of the archaeal diversity is uncultured.

A Glycolipid Glycosyltransferase with Broad Substrate Specificity from the Marine Bacterium “ Candidatus Pelagibacter sp.” Strain HTCC7211

Wei et al. (2021). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 87 (14)
Ca. Pelagibacter
The bilayer formed by membrane lipids serves as the containment unit for living microbial cells. In the marine environment, it has been firmly established that phytoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria can substitute phospholipids with nonphosphorus sugar-containing glycoglycerolipids in response to phosphorus limitation.