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The metagenomic landscape of a high‐altitude geothermal spring in Tajikistan reveals a novel Desulfurococcaceae member, Zestomicrobium tamdykulense gen. nov., sp. nov

Dzhuraeva et al. (2024). MicrobiologyOpen 13 (5)
AbstractMetagenomic analysis was conducted to assess the microbial community in the high‐altitude Tamdykul geothermal spring in Tajikistan. This analysis yielded six high‐quality bins from the members of Thermaceae, Aquificaceae, and Halothiobacillaceae, with a 41.2%, 19.7%, and 18.1% share in the total metagenome, respectively. Minor components included Schleiferia thermophila (1.6%) and members of the archaeal taxa Pyrobaculum (1.2%) and Desulfurococcaceae (0.7%). Further analysis of the metag

Miniphocibacter massiliensis gen. nov., sp. nov., a new species isolated from the human gut and its taxono‐genomics description

Bilen et al. (2019). MicrobiologyOpen 8 (5)
AbstractWith the aim of describing the human microbiota by the means of culture methods, culturomics was developed in order to target previously un‐isolated bacterial species and describe it via the taxono‐genomics approach. While performing a descriptive study of the human gut microbiota of the pygmy people, strain Marseille‐P4678T has been isolated from a stool sample of a healthy 39‐year‐old pygmy male. Cells of this strain were Gram‐positive cocci, spore‐forming, non‐motile, catalase‐positiv