Molenda, Olivia


Identification of a Cluster of Benzene Activation Enzymes in a Strictly Anoxic Methanogenic Consortium

Toth et al. (2024).
ABSTRACTThe Oil Refinery (OR) consortium is a model methanogenic enrichment culture for studying anaerobic benzene degradation. Over 80% of the culture’s bacterial community is comprised of two closely related strains of benzene-fermentingDesulfobacterota(designated ORM2a and ORM2b) whose mechanism of benzene degradation is unknown. Two new metagenomes, including a fully closed metagenome-assembled genome (MAG) for ORM2a, enabled a thorough investigation of this culture’s proteome. Among the pro

Candidatus Nealsonbacteria” Are Likely Biomass Recycling Ectosymbionts of Methanogenic Archaea in a Stable Benzene-Degrading Enrichment Culture

Chen et al. (2023). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 89 (5)
An anaerobic microbial enrichment culture was used to study members of candidate phyla that are difficult to grow in the lab. We were able to visualize tiny “ Candidatus Nealsonbacteria” cells attached to a large Methanothrix cell, revealing a novel episymbiosis.

Candidatus Nealsonbacteria (OD1) in a methanogenic benzene-degrading enrichment culture is likely an ectosymbiotic biomass recycler

Chen et al. (2022).
AbstractThe Candidate Phyla Radiation (CPR, or superphylum Patescibacteria) is a very large group of bacteria with few cultivated representatives first discovered by culture-independent metagenomic analyses. Within the CPR, the candidate phylum Parcubacteria (previously OD1) is prevalent in anoxic lake sediments and groundwater. We identified a bacterium belonging to the Parcubacteria in a methanogenic benzene-degrading enrichment culture originally derived from oil-contaminated sediments. Candi