Zhong, Xinyue


The ‘Candidatus phytoplasma ziziphi’ effectors SJP1 and SJP2 destabilise the bifunctional regulator ZjTCP7 to modulate floral transition and shoot branching

Ma et al. (2024). Plant, Cell & Environment 47 (8)
Ca. Phytoplasma ziziphi
AbstractPhytoplasmic SAP11 effectors alter host plant architecture and flowering time. However, the exact mechanisms have yet to be elucidated. Two SAP11‐like effectors, SJP1 and SJP2, from ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma ziziphi’ induce shoot branching proliferation. Here, the transcription factor ZjTCP7 was identified as a central target of these two effectors to regulate floral transition and shoot branching. Ectopic expression of ZjTCP7 resulted in enhanced bolting and earlier flowering than did the