Kuzmanović, Nemanja


Refining the taxonomy of the order Hyphomicrobiales (Rhizobiales) based on whole genome comparisons of over 130 type strains

diCenzo et al. (2024). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 74 (4)
Rhodoligotrophaceae Salaquimonadaceae Rhodoblastaceae
The alphaproteobacterial order Hyphomicrobiales consists of 38 families comprising at least 152 validly published genera as of January 2024. The order Hyphomicrobiales was first described in 1957 and underwent important revisions in 2020. However, we show that several inconsistencies in the taxonomy of this order remain and we argue that there is a need for a consistent framework for defining families within the order. We propose a common genome-based framework for defining families within the o