Begmatov, Shahjahon


Genome analysis of the candidate phylum MBNT15 bacterium from a boreal peatland predicted its respiratory versatility and dissimilatory iron metabolism

Begmatov et al. (2022). Frontiers in Microbiology 13
“Deferrimicrobium borealis” “Deferrimicrobiota”
Uncultured bacteria of the candidate phylum MBNT15, distantly related to Desulfobacterota, have been identified in a broad range of mostly organic-rich aquatic environments. We assembled a near-complete genome of a member of MBNT15 from a boreal peatland metagenome and used genomic data to analyze the metabolic pathways of this bacterium and its ecological role. This bacterium, designated SHF-111, was predicted to be rod shaped, it lacks flagellar machinery but twitching motility is encoded. Gen