Keltjens, Jan T.


XoxF-Type Methanol Dehydrogenase from the Anaerobic Methanotroph “Candidatus Methylomirabilis oxyfera”

Wu et al. (2015). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81 (4)
Methylomirabilis oxygeniifera Ts
ABSTRACT “ Candidatus Methylomirabilis oxyfera” is a newly discovered anaerobic methanotroph that, surprisingly, oxidizes methane through an aerobic methane oxidation pathway. The second step in this aerobic pathway is the oxidation of methanol. In Gram-negative bacteria, the reaction is catalyzed by pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ)-dependent methanol dehydrogenase (MDH). The genome of “ Ca . Methylomirabilis oxyfera” putativel

Physiological role of the respiratory quinol oxidase in the anaerobic nitrite-reducing methanotroph ‘Candidatus Methylomirabilis oxyfera’

Wu et al. (2011). Microbiology 157 (3)
Methylomirabilis oxygeniifera Ts
The anaerobic nitrite-reducing methanotroph ‘CandidatusMethylomirabilis oxyfera’ (‘Ca.M. oxyfera’) produces oxygen from nitrite by a novel pathway. The major part of the O2is used for methane activation and oxidation, which proceeds by the route well known for aerobic methanotrophs. Residual oxygen may serve other purposes, such as respiration. We have found that the genome of ‘Ca.M. oxyfera’ harbours four sets of genes encoding terminal respiratory oxidases: two cytochromecoxidases, a third put