Stieglmeier, Michaela


Differential depth distribution of microbial function and putative symbionts through sediment-hosted aquifers in the deep terrestrial subsurface

Probst et al. (2018). Nature Microbiology 3 (3)
“Huberarchaeota” “Moissliibacteriota” “Ratteibacteriota” “Saganiibacteriota” “Torokiibacteriota” “Altiarchaeota” “Altiarchaeia” “Altiarchaeales” “Altiarchaeaceae” “Altiarchaeum hamiconexum” “Altiarchaeum”
AbstractAn enormous diversity of previously unknown bacteria and archaea has been discovered recently, yet their functional capacities and distributions in the terrestrial subsurface remain uncertain. Here, we continually sampled a CO2-driven geyser (Colorado Plateau, Utah, USA) over its 5-day eruption cycle to test the hypothesis that stratified, sandstone-hosted aquifers sampled over three phases of the eruption cycle have microbial communities that differ both in membership and function. Geno

CandidatusNitrosocaldus cavascurensis, an ammonia oxidizing, extremely thermophilic archaeon with a highly mobile genome

Abby et al. (2017).
Ca. Nitrosocaldus cavascurensis
AbstractAmmonia oxidizing archaea (AOA) of the phylum Thaumarchaeota are widespread in moderate environments but their occurrence and activity has also been demonstrated in hot springs. Here we present the first cultivated thermophilic representative with a sequenced genome, which allows to search for adaptive strategies and for traits that shape the evolution of Thaumarchaeota.CandidatusNitrosocaldus cavascurensis has been cultivated from a hot spring in Ischia, Italy. It grows optimally at 68°