Costanzo, Stefano


First Report of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni’-Related Strain and ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’-Related Strain Associated with North American Grapevine Yellows of Cultivated Grapevines in Minnesota

Bratsch et al. (2025). Plant Disease
Ca. Phytoplasma pruni Ca. Phytoplasma asteris
Surveys for exotic plant pests conducted during July and August of 2023 and 2024 across 20 vineyards in 12 counties throughout Minnesota, USA, revealed that less than 2% of the approximatively 3000 vines inspected (Vitis spp., hybrid grape varieties) exhibited symptoms suggestive of phytoplasma yellows disease. Observed symptoms included yellowing of leaf lamina, downward rolling of leaf margins, and necrosis of leaf margins. To investigate a potential association between these symptoms and phy

Draft Genome Sequence of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pini’-Related Strain MDPP: A Resource for Comparative Genomics of Gymnosperm-Infecting Phytoplasmas

Cai et al. (2020). Plant Disease 104 (4)
Ca. Phytoplasma pini
‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pini’-related strain MDPP, the reference strain of subgroup 16SrXXI-B, is a pathogen associated with witches’ broom disease of Pinus spp. in North America. Here, we report the first draft genome sequence of ‘Ca. Phytoplasma pini’ strain MDPP, which consists of 474,136 bases, with a G + C content of 22.22%. This information will facilitate comparative genomics of gymnosperm-infecting phytoplasmas.

Genome Resource for the Huanglongbing Causal Agent ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ Strain AHCA17 from Citrus Root Tissue in California, USA

Cai et al. (2020). Plant Disease 104 (3)
Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus
‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ is the unculturable causative agent of citrus huanglongbing disease. Here, we report the first citrus root metagenome sequence containing the draft genome of ‘Ca. L. asiaticus’ strain AHCA17, obtained from a pummelo tree in California. The assembled genome was 1.2 Mbp and resulted in 37 contigs (N50 = 158.7 kbp) containing 1,057 predicted open reading frames and 45 RNA-coding genes. This draft genome will provide a valuable resource in further study of ‘Ca. L