Blom, Jochen


All ANIs are not created equal: implications for prokaryotic species boundaries and integration of ANIs into polyphasic taxonomy

Palmer et al. (2020). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 70 (4)
In prokaryotic taxonomy, a set of criteria is commonly used to delineate species. These criteria are generally based on cohesion at the phylogenetic, phenotypic and genomic levels. One such criterion shown to have promise in the genomic era is average nucleotide identity (ANI), which provides an average measure of similarity across homologous regions shared by a pair of genomes. However, despite the popularity and relative ease of using this metric, ANI has undergone numerous refinements, with v

Genomic diversification of giant enteric symbionts reflects host dietary lifestyles

Ngugi et al. (2017). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (36)
“Epulonipiscioides gigas” “Epulonipiscioides saccharophilum” “Epulonipiscium fischelsonii”
Significance Gastrointestinal symbionts of organisms are important in the breakdown of food for the host, particularly for herbivores requiring exogenous enzymes to digest complex polysaccharides in their diet. However, their role in the digestion of algae in marine piscine herbivores remains unresolved. Here, we show that the diversity of food sources available to herbivorous surgeonfishes is directly linked with the genetic makeup of their enteric microbiota. Importantly