Genome sc|0000422


INSDC Nucleotide




INSDC Nucleotide:JAUCGJ000000000
Single-Cell Amplified Genome (SAG)
Estimated Quality Metrics
  • Completeness: 98.0%
  • Contamination: 0.0%
  • Quality: 98.0
Ribosomal and transfer RNA genes
  • 1 16S rRNA (up to 100.0%)
  • 1 23S rRNA (up to 99.0%)
  • tRNAs for 20 amino acids
Sequencing depth
192.0 ×
Other features
  • G+C Content: 43.0%
Submitter comments
The assembly of the genome was carried out using the SPAdes v3.15.1 program. Prokka v1.14.6 program was used for gene annotation (identify tRNA and rRNA genes). Completion and contamination were estimated by the CheckM v.1.2.1 program and MiGA. The completion figure from checkM was 98% (0% contamination), while MiGa project informed 100% (4.3% contamination). This genome assembly is proposed to replace the genome and name "Candidatus Venteria ishoeyi", as novel type, having better quality than the former "Candidatus" genome ( and Assembly = GCA_900099115.2
Automated checks
Failed: Cannot find ncbi:nuccore:JAUCGJ000000000

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