Genomic annotation was carried out using Prokka. Genomic islands were predicted using IslandViewer 4. Genomic relatedness with type strains of members of the Harveyi clade was determined using OrthoANIu algorithm ( Digital DDH values were calculated using genome–genome distance calculator (GGDC 2.1) applying Formula 2 (identities/HSP length). Average amino acid index (AAI) between SBOTS_Iso1 with type strains of Harveyi clade was determined using AAI-profler (http://ekhidna2.bioce In silico phenotyping was performed using Traitar ( Genome sequence of SBOTS_Iso1 and closest relative, V.alginolyticus ATCC17749T was aligned in progressiveMauve ( The genome of SBOTS_Iso1 was aligned into circular map using CGView server (