

Formal styling
Liberibacter Fagen et al. 2014
Oldest registered citation
Jagoueix et al., 1996
SeqCode status
Valid (ICNP)
Canonical URL


Inferred stem
Nomenclatural type
Liberibacter crescensT
Nomenclatural status
Validly published under the ICNP


Bacteria » Pseudomonadota » Alphaproteobacteria » Hyphomicrobiales » Rhizobiaceae » Liberibacter
Rhizobiaceae ncbigtdb
Children (10)
Taxonomic status
Correct name
  • Liberobacter (Misspelling or other orthographic variants)


Outside links and data sources
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Local history
Registered by
Excubia bot about 3 years ago


Citation Title
Irigoyen et al., 2020, Nature Communications Plant hairy roots enable high throughput identification of antimicrobials against Candidatus Liberibacter spp
Zhou et al., 2020, International Journal of Molecular Sciences ‘Candidatus Liberibacter Asiaticus’ SDE1 Effector Induces Huanglongbing Chlorosis by Downregulating Host DDX3 Gene
Sáenz-Pérez et al., 2020, Agronomy Rootstock Influence on Growth and Mineral Content of Citrus limon and Citrus sinensis cv. Valencia Inoculated with Candidatus Liberibacter Asiaticus
Chambers et al., 2020, Microbiology Resource Announcements Draft Genome Sequence of a Novel “ Candidatus Liberibacter” Species Detected in a Zanthoxylum Species from Bhutan
Ruiz-Padilla et al., 2020, Microorganisms Assessment of Multilocus Sequence Analysis (MLSA) for Identification of Candidatus Liberibacter Solanacearum from Different Host Plants in Spain
Wamonje et al., 2020, Detection and identification of a Candidatus Liberibacter species from ash tree infesting psyllids
Harrison et al., 2020, American Journal of Potato Research Effects of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter Solanacearum’ Haplotype on Atlantic Potato Tuber Emergence Rate in South Texas
Quintana-González de Chaves et al., 2020, Insects ‘Candidatus Liberibacter Solanacearum’ Is Unlikely to Be Transmitted Spontaneously from Infected Carrot Plants to Citrus Plants by Trioza Erytreae
Carmo-Sousa et al., 2020, Tropical Plant Pathology Understanding psyllid transmission of Candidatus Liberibacter as a basis for managing huanglongbing
de Souza Pacheco et al., 2020, Insects Development on Infected Citrus over Generations Increases Vector Infection by ‘Candidatus Liberibacter Asiaticus in Diaphorina citri’

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