Inferred to break down a Chitin and Pectin, as well as carries genes for
rTCA cycle to fix inorganic carbon (korABCD). Carries genes for nitrate uptake (NRT2) and anaerobic
dissimilatory nitrate reduction (nirBD). Capable of sulfate assimilation (cys), phosphorus uptake and
regulation (pho, pst) and polyphosphate accumulation (ppk1). Likely performing osmoregulation using trk1
(K+ transporter) and proXV (Glycine betaine) and inferred to be motile (fliGMN, motAB gene). Based on
the genome reporting standards for MAGs , the estimated completeness was 93.58%, contamination 1.79%,
and the presence of the 5S (106bp), 16S (1,551 bp), and 23S (2,877 bp) rRNA gene and 42 tRNAs.
Type genome is defined as “high-quality” draft MAG,with genome size of 3Mbps.