Genome sequence resource for “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” strain GDCZ from a historical HLB endemic region in China

Zheng et al. (2023).
Names (1)
Abstract Objectives: “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” (CLas) is an un-culturable α-proteobacterium that caused citrus Huanglongbing (HLB), a destructive disease threatening citrus production worldwide. In China, the presence of HLB was first reported in Chaoshan region of Guangdong province, China around a century ago. Thus, whole genome information of CLas strains from Chaoshan area become the most important resource to understand the population diversity and evaluation of CLas in China. Data description: CLas strain GDCZ was originally from Chaozhou city (Chaoshan area) and sequenced using Pacbio Sequel long-read sequencing and Illumina short-read sequencing. The genome of strain GDCZ comprised of 1,230,507 bp with an average G+C content of 36.4%, along with a circular CLasMV1 phage: CLasMV1_GDCZ (8,869 bp). The CLas strain GDCZ contained a Type 2 prophage (37,452 bp) and encoded a total of 1,057 open reading frames and 53 RNA genes. The whole genome sequence of CLas strain GDCZ from the historical HLB endemic region in China will serve as a useful resource for further analyses of CLas evolution and HLB epidemiology in China and world.
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