Table 1: Complete list of names proposed in the current register list.
Proposed Taxon | Etymology | Description | Parent Taxon | Type | Registry URL |
Order Palauibacterales | ['les] N.L. masc. n. Palauibacter, type genus of the order; -ales, ending to denote an order; N.L. fem. pl. n. Palauibacterales, the Palauibacter order | Gemmatimonadetes | Palauibacter | | |
Family Palauibacteraceae | ['ae] N.L. masc. n. Palauibacter, type genus of the family; -aceae, ending to denote a family; N.L. fem. pl. n. Palauibacteraceae, the Palauibacter family | Palauibacterales | Palauibacter | | |
Genus Palauibacter | ['ter] N.L. n. Palau, Republic of Palau; N.L. masc. n. bacter, rod; N.L. masc. n. Palauibacter, bacteria from the Republic of Palau | Palauibacteraceae | Palauibacter soopunensisTs | | |
Genus Kutchimonas | ['nas] N.L. n. Kutch, Gulf of Kutch located in India; L. fem. n. monas, a unit; N.L. fem. n. Kutchimonas, a monad from the gulf of Kutch | Palauibacteraceae | Kutchimonas denitrificansTs | | |
Genus Caribbeanibacter | ['ter] N.L. n. caribbean, referring to the Caribbean Islands; N.L. masc. n. bacter, rod; N.L. masc. n. Caribbeanibacter, rod from the Caribbean Islands | Palauibacteraceae | Caribbeanibacter nitroreducensTs | | |
Genus Benthicola | [Ben.thi'] Gr. masc. n. benthos, bottom of a body water; L. masc. / fem. n. -cola, inhabitant; L. masc. n. Benthicola, inhabitant of the bottom of a body water | Palauibacteraceae | Benthicola marisminorisTs | | |
Genus Humimonas | ['nas] L. fem. n. humus, soil, ground; L. fem. n. monas, a unit; N.L. fem. n. Humimonas, a monad from soil | Palauibacteraceae | Humimonas hydrogenitrophicaTs | | |
Genus Carthagonibacter | ['ter] N.L. n. Carthago, Carthago nova or Carthago spartaria, nowadays known as Cartagena, city in the southeast of Spain; N.L. masc. n. bacter, rod; N.L. masc. n. Carthagonibacter, bacterium from Carthago Nova, a city close to its isolation place | Palauibacteraceae | Carthagonibacter metallireducensTs | | |
Genus Indicimonas | ['nas] N.L. masc. n. indicus, referring to the Indian ocean; L. fem. n. monas, a unit; N.L. fem. n. Indicimonas, a monad from the Indian Ocean | Palauibacteraceae | Indicimonas acetifermentansTs | | |
Species Indicimonas acetifermentansTs | ['tans] N.L. neut. n. acetum, vinegar; L. part. adj. fermentans, fermenting; N.L. fem. part. adj. acetifermentans, vinegar or acetic acid fermenting bacteria | Indicimonas | NCBI Assembly: GCA_947581815.1 Ts | | |
Species Palauibacter ramosifaciens | ['ciens] L. masc. adj. ramosus, branching, having many branches; L. pres. part. faciens, making; N.L. masc. n. ramosifaciens, branched synthesizer, referring to branched-chain amino acids | Palauibacter | NCBI Assembly: GCA_009845855.1 Ts | | |
Species Carthagonibacter metallireducensTs | ['cens] L. neut. n. metallum, metal; L. pres. part. reducens, leading back, bringing back and in chemistry converting to a different oxidation state; N.L. masc. part. adj. metallireducens, reducing metal | Carthagonibacter | NCBI Assembly: GCA_023554445.1 Ts | | |
Species Kutchimonas denitrificansTs | ['cans] N.L. v. denitrifico, to denitrify; N.L. fem. part. adj. denitrificans, denitrifying | Kutchimonas | NCBI Assembly: GCA_011774835.1 Ts | | |
Species Benthicola azotiphorus | [a.zo.ti.pho'rus] N.L. neut. n. azotum, nitrogen; Gr. masc. n. phoros, carry, bring; N.L. masc. n. azotiphorus, nitrogen carrying bacteria, refering to the modification of nitrogen compounds | Benthicola | NCBI Assembly: GCA_947581745.1 Ts | | |
Species Palauibacter irciniicola | ['] N.L. fem. n. Ircinia, name of the sponge genus; L. masc. or fem. n. suff. -cola, inhabitant; L. masc. n. irciniicola, inhabitant of Ircinia | Palauibacter | NCBI Assembly: GCA_009836005.1 Ts | | |
Species Caribbeanibacter nitroreducensTs | ['cens] Gr. neut. n. nitron, nitrate, nitrite; L. pres. part. reducens, leading back, bringing back and in chemistry converting to a different oxidation state; N.L. masc. part. adj. nitroreducens, referring to nitrite reducing organism | Caribbeanibacter | NCBI Assembly: GCA_947581645.1 Ts | | |
Species Palauibacter australiensis | ['sis] N.L. masc. adj. australiensis, of or belonging to Australia | Palauibacter | NCBI Assembly: GCA_026705295.1 Ts | | |
Species Palauibacter scopulicola | ['] L. masc. n. scopulus, reef, rock under the sea; L. masc. or fem. n. suff. -cola, inhabitant; N.L. masc. n. scopulicola, inhabitant of reefs, rocks under the sea | Palauibacter | NCBI Assembly: GCA_947581915.1 Ts | | |
Species Palauibacter soopunensisTs | [soo.pu.nen'sis] N.L. masc. n. soopunensis, from Soopun, the aboriginal name of Esk island, where the genome was recovered | Palauibacter | NCBI Assembly: GCA_947581735.1 Ts | | |
Species Humimonas hydrogenitrophicaTs | ['ca] N.L. neut. n. hydrogenum, hydrogen; Gr. masc. adj. trophikos, nursing, tending or feeding; N.L. fem. adj. hydrogenitrophica, feeding on hydrogen, referring to the ability of the micro-organism to grow with H2/CO2 as energy source | Humimonas | NCBI Assembly: GCA_947581615.1 Ts | | |
Species Palauibacter polyketidifaciens | ['ens] Gr. neut. n. polyketidum, polyketide; L. pres. part. faciens, making; N.L. masc. part. adj. polyketidifaciens, polyketide synthesizer | Palauibacter | NCBI Assembly: GCA_947581785.1 Ts | | |
Species Palauibacter denitrificans | ['cans] N.L. v. denitrifico, to denitrify; N.L. masc. part. adj. denitrificans, denitrifying | Palauibacter | NCBI Assembly: GCA_009841015.1 Ts | | |
Species Benthicola marisminorisTs | ['ris] N.L. gen. n. marisminoris, referring to the Mar Menor lagoon, the site of isolation, located in Murcia, Spain | Benthicola | NCBI Assembly: GCA_023554335.1 Ts | | |
Species Palauibacter rhopaloidicola | ['] N.L. masc. n. Rhopaloides, name of the sponge genus; L. masc. / fem. n. suff. -cola, inhabitant; N.L. masc. n. rhopaloidicola, inhabitant of Rhopaloides | Palauibacter | NCBI Assembly: GCA_947581625.1 Ts | | |
Species Palauibacter poriticola | [po.ri.ti'] N.L. n. Porites, name of the coral genus; L. masc. / fem. n. suff. -cola, inhabitant; L. masc. n. poriticola, inhabitant of Porites | Palauibacter | NCBI Assembly: GCA_012270965.1 Ts | |