SeqCode Registry
Register List [2022]

Macondimonas diazotrophica sp. nov. gen. nov.

Submitted by Rodriguez-R, Luis M

Genus Macondimonas

['nas] L. fem. n. monas, a unit, a monad; N.L. fem. n. Macondimonas, a monad from Macondo, Macondo Prospect, the site of DWH oil spill. Additionally, Macondo is a fictional town in A Hundred Years of Solitude by G. García Márquez. In the book, the town of Macondo has a rapid population growth, a period of economic prosperity, and then a rapid population fall, which is reminiscent of the ecologic pattern observed for this group upon crude-oil exposure
Nomenclatural type
Species Macondimonas diazotrophicaTs
Members of this genus exhibit a coccobacilli morphology and a heterotrophic aerobic metabolism. No phototrophic, nor chemoautotrophic growth, or their corresponding genes in the genome were observed. The type species is Macondimonas diazotrophica.
Bacteria » Pseudomonadota » Gammaproteobacteria » Chromatiales » Ectothiorhodospiraceae » Macondimonas
Effective publication: Karthikeyan et al., 2019 [1]
Registry URL

Species Macondimonas diazotrophicaTs

[di.a.zo.tro'] Gr. pref. di-, in two; N.L. neut. n. azotum, from Fr. n. azote (from Gr. prep. a, not; Gr. n. zôê, life; N.Gr. n. azôê, not sustaining life), nitrogen; N.L. pref. diazo-, pertaining to dinitrogen; Gr. adj. trophikos -ê -on, feeding, tending; N.L. fem. adj. diazotrophica, one that feeds on dinitrogen, named after its ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen
Nomenclatural type
NCBI Assembly: GCF_004684205.1 Ts
Cells grown on solidified mineral artificial seawater media using hexadecane as substrate show a coccobacillus morphology, of about 0.6 μm in length and 0.35 μm in width, and formed circular colonies. Members of the species are aerobes, growing at a pH range of 6.5–8.5 with a pH optimum of 7.5, and a salinity range of 250–500 mM of NaCl, with an optimum concentration of 330 mM. The temperature range for optimal growth is 22–30 °C, with no growth observed at 4 °C and above 34 °C. Cells can grow with hexadecane and pyruvate as a sole carbon sources and fix nitrogen. Genome size is ~2.8 Mbp with a G+C% content of 61.56. The designated type material is strain KTK01, and its genome sequence can be found under NCBI BioSample accession number SAMN11302943.
Bacteria » Pseudomonadota » Gammaproteobacteria » Chromatiales » Ectothiorhodospiraceae » Macondimonas » Macondimonas diazotrophicaTs
Effective publication: Karthikeyan et al., 2019 [1]
Registry URL


  1. Karthikeyan et al. (2019). “Candidatus Macondimonas diazotrophica”, a novel gammaproteobacterial genus dominating crude-oil-contaminated coastal sediments. The ISME Journal. DOI:10.1038/s41396-019-0400-5

Register List Certificate of Validation

On behalf of the Committee on the Systematics of Prokaryotes Described from Sequence Data (SeqCode Committee), we hereby certify that the Register List submitted by Rodriguez-R, Luis M and including 2 new names has been successfully validated.

Date of Priority: 2022-04-19 11:06 UTC
DOI: 10.57973/seqcode.r:6ns_rdob