Table 1: Complete list of names proposed in the current register list.
Proposed Taxon | Etymology | Description | Parent Taxon | Type | Registry URL |
Order Aeolococcales | [Ae.o.lo.coc'cales] N.L. masc. n. Aeolococcus, after the Greek god Aeolus, referring to extremely windy conditions of the Antarctic environment; -ales, ending denoting an order; N.L. fem. pl. n. Aeolococcales, the Aeolococcus order |
Based on phylogenomic analysis of 120 concatenated single copy proteins. MSA was generated with GTDB-Tk v1.3.0 and tree was reconstructed with RaxML v8.2.12.
Dormibacteria | Aeolococcus | |
Family Aeolococcaceae | ['ae] N.L. masc. n. Aeolococcus, after the Greek god Aeolus, referring to extremely windy conditions of the Antarctic environment; -aceae, ending denoting a family; N.L. fem. pl. n. Aeolococcaceae, the Aeolococcus family |
Based on phylogenomic analysis of 120 concatenated single copy proteins. MSA was generated with GTDB-Tk v1.3.0 and tree was reconstructed with RaxML v8.2.12.
Aeolococcales | Aeolococcus | |
Genus Dormibacter | [Dor.mi.bac'ter] L. v. dormio, to sleep; N.L. masc. n. bacter, a rod; N.L. masc. n. Dormibacter, a dormant rod |
Type genus of Dormibacterota. Genus defined based on phylogenomics of 38 conserved marker genes and the lack of any named close relative at the time.
Dormibacteraceae | Dormibacter spiritusTs | |
Genus Nephthysia | [Neph.thys'ia] Gr. fem. n. Nephthys, ancient Egyptian goddess Nephthys, associated with deserts and darkness; N.L. fem. n. Nephthysia, after ancient Egyptian goddess Nephthys, associated with deserts and darkness, referring to the place of origin. |
Based on phylogenomic analysis of 120 concatenated single copy proteins. MSA was generated with GTDB-Tk v1.3.0 and tree was reconstructed with RaxML v8.2.12.
Dormibacteraceae | Nephthysia bennettiaeTs | |
Genus Amunia | ['ni.a] N.L. fem. n. Amunia, after Amun, ancient Egyptian god of wind and vivifying breath. |
Based on phylogenomic analysis of 120 concatenated single copy proteins. MSA was generated with GTDB-Tk v1.3.0 and tree was reconstructed with RaxML v8.2.12.
Aeolococcaceae | Amunia macphersoniaeTs | |
Genus Aeolococcus | [Ae.o.lo.coc'cus] Gr. masc. n. Aiolos, Greek god, ruler of the winds; Gr. masc. n. kokkos, berry, referring to the coccoid morphology of cells); N.L. masc. n. Aeolococcus, after the Greek god Aeolus, referring to extremely windy conditions of the Antarctic environment |
Based on phylogenomic analysis of 120 concatenated single copy proteins. MSA was generated with GTDB-Tk v1.3.0 and tree was reconstructed with RaxML v8.2.12.
Aeolococcaceae | Aeolococcus gillhamiaeTs | |
Species Dormibacter spiritusTs | [spi'ri.tus] L. masc. gen. n. spiritus, of air; in reference to the use of atmospheric gases. |
Based on phylogenomic analysis of 120 concatenated single copy proteins. MSA was generated with GTDB-Tk v1.3.0 and tree was reconstructed with RaxML v8.2.12.
Dormibacter | NCBI Assembly: GCA_003244185.1 Ts | |
Species Dormibacter inghamiae | ['] N.L. gen. n. inghamiae, in honor of Susan Ingham, a Australian Subantarctic voyager, pioneer of subantarctic research on wildlife |
Based on phylogenomic analysis of 120 concatenated single copy proteins. MSA was generated with GTDB-Tk v1.3.0 and tree was reconstructed with RaxML v8.2.12.
Dormibacter | NCBI Assembly: GCA_016464725.1 Ts | |
Species Amunia macphersoniaeTs | [mac.pher'] N.L. gen. n. macphersoniae, in honor of Australian Subantarctic voyager and pioneer Hope Macpherson. |
Based on phylogenomic analysis of 120 concatenated single copy proteins. MSA was generated with GTDB-Tk v1.3.0 and tree was reconstructed with RaxML v8.2.12.
Amunia | NCBI Assembly: GCA_016464795.1 Ts | |
Species Aeolococcus gillhamiaeTs | [gill'] N.L. gen. n. gillhamiae, in honor of Australian Subantarctic voyager and pioneer Mary Gillham. |
Based on phylogenomic analysis of 120 concatenated single copy proteins. MSA was generated with GTDB-Tk v1.3.0 and tree was reconstructed with RaxML v8.2.12.
Aeolococcus | NCBI Assembly: GCA_003244045.1 Ts | |
Species Nephthysia bennettiaeTs | [ben'] N.L. gen. n. bennettiae, in honor of Australian Subantarctic voyager and pioneer Isobel Bennett |
Based on phylogenomic analysis of 120 concatenated single copy proteins. MSA was generated with GTDB-Tk v1.3.0 and tree was reconstructed with RaxML v8.2.12.
Nephthysia | NCBI Assembly: GCA_016464775.1 Ts | |