SeqCode Registry
Register List [2024]

Register list for 18 new names including Enterococcus mansoni sp. nov.

Submitted by Manson, Abigail

Table 1: Complete list of names proposed in the current register list.

Proposed Taxon Etymology Description Parent Taxon Type Registry URL
Species Enterococcus courvalinii ['ni.i] N.L. gen. n. courvalinii, of Courvalin, named for Patrice Courvalin for his contributions to Enterococcus biology
Type strain isolated from a cockroach
Enterococcus NCBI Assembly: GCA_017315945.1 Ts
Species Enterococcus willemsii [wil.lem'si.i] N.L. gen. n. willemsii, of Willems, named for Rob J. L. Willems for his fundamental contributions to Enterococcus biology
Type strain isolated from chicken feces
Enterococcus NCBI Assembly: GCA_009933335.1 Ts
Species Enterococcus lowellii [lo.wel'li.i] N.L. gen. n. lowellii, of Lowell, named for Lowell House at Harvard University
Type strain isolated from salmon crested cockatoo
Enterococcus NCBI Assembly: GCA_017426705.1 Ts
Species Enterococcus moelleringii [moel.le.rin'gi.i] N.L. gen. n. moelleringii, of Moellering, named for Robert C. Moellering for his fundamental contributions to Enterococcus biology
Type strain isolated from a Kemp's Ridley sea turtle
Enterococcus NCBI Assembly: GCA_017377575.1 Ts
Species Enterococcus ferrettii ['i] N.L. gen. n. ferrettii, of Ferretti, named after Joseph J. Ferretti for his fundamental contributions to streptococcal and enterococcal biology
Type strain isolated from Kemp's Ridley sea turtle
Enterococcus NCBI Assembly: GCA_017377655.1 Ts
Species Enterococcus mansonii ['ni.i] N.L. gen. n. mansonii, of Manson, named for Joseph R. Manson who contributed greatly to sampling efforts
Type strain isolated from turkey feces 
Enterococcus NCBI Assembly: GCA_002140715.1 Ts
Species Enterococcus wittei [wi.tte'i] N.L. gen. n. wittei, of Witte, named after Wolfgang Witte for his fundamental contributions to Enterococcus biology
Type strain isolated from chicken feces
Enterococcus NCBI Assembly: GCA_002140175.1 Ts
Species Enterococcus huntleyi [hunt'ley.i] N.L. gen. n. huntleyi, of Huntley, named for the Huntley family of Montana for their contributions of samples and in support of this study
Type strain isolated from chicken feces
Enterococcus NCBI Assembly: GCA_009933175.1 Ts
Species Enterococcus ikei ['i] N.L. gen. n. ikei, of Ike, named after Yasu Ike, for contributions to enterococcal biology
Type strain isolated from a captive moth
Enterococcus NCBI Assembly: GCA_017316105.1 Ts
Species Enterococcus testudinis [tes.tu.di'nis] N.L. gen. n. testudinis, of testudo, to refer to recovery of this organism from a sea turtle
Type strain isolated from a turtle
Enterococcus NCBI Assembly: GCA_002140915.1 Ts
Species Enterococcus myersii ['si.i] N.L. gen. n. myersii, of Myers, named for Gib Myers for his work in nature and wildlife preservation
Type strain isolated from aquarium water
Enterococcus NCBI Assembly: GCA_017316025.1 Ts
Species Enterococcus murrayae [mur.ra.y'ae] N.L. gen. n. murrayae, of Murray, named after Barbara E. Murray for her fundamental contributions to Enterococcus biology
Type strain isolated from a Kemp's Ridley sea turtle
Enterococcus NCBI Assembly: GCA_017315985.1 Ts
Species Enterococcus leclercqii [le.clerc'qi.i] N.L. gen. n. leclercqii, of Leclercq, named for Roland Leclercq for his fundamental contributions to Enterococcus biology
Type strain isolated from chicken feces
Enterococcus NCBI Assembly: GCA_009933135.1 Ts
Species Enterococcus lemimoniae ['] N.L. gen. n. lemimoniae, of Lemimo, named for the Molecular Epidemiology and Microbiology Laboratory (LEMiMo) of the University of São Paulo’s São Carlos Institute of Physics.
Type strain isolated from a moth
Enterococcus NCBI Assembly: GCA_002148425.1 Ts
Species Enterococcus mangumiae ['] N.L. gen. n. mangumiae, of Mangum, named for Stephanie B. Mangum for her support of enterococcal research
Type strain isolated from a butterfly
Enterococcus NCBI Assembly: GCA_017316305.1 Ts
Species Vagococcus giribetii ['i.i] N.L. gen. n. giribetii, of Giribet, named for Gonzalo Giribet for his contributions to invertebrate zoology and to this study
Type strain isolated from a harbor porpoise infection
Vagococcus NCBI Assembly: GCA_017316185.1 Ts
Species Enterococcus clewellii [cle.wel'li.i] N.L. gen. n. clewellii, of Clewell, named for Don B. Clewell for contributions to enterococcal biology
Type strain was isolated from a cockroach.
Enterococcus NCBI Assembly: GCA_002140975.1 Ts
Species Enterococcus palustris [pa.lus'tris] N.L. masc. adj. palustris, marshy or swampy, to refer to the recovery of this organism from a swampy area
Type strain isolated from dragonfly inhabiting a swampy area
Enterococcus NCBI Assembly: GCA_002141365.1 Ts
Species Enterococcus dunnyi [dun.ny'i] N.L. gen. n. dunnyi, of Dunny, named after Gary M. Dunny for his contributions to Enterococcal biology
Type strain isolated from a ground beetle
Enterococcus NCBI Assembly: GCA_002174455.1 Ts