Table 1: Complete list of names proposed in the current register list.
Proposed Taxon | Etymology | Description | Parent Taxon | Type | Registry URL |
Family Bathycorpusculaceae | ['] N.L. neut. n. Bathycorpusculum, referring to the type genus Bathycorpusculum; -aceae, ending to denote a family; N.L. fem. pl. n. Bathycorpusculaceae, the Bathycorpusculum family | The family is defined by relative evolutionary divergence (RED) and phylogenomic analysis as a monophyletic group.
Bathyarchaeales | Bathycorpusculum | |
Genus Methanofilum | ['lum] N.L. pref. methano-, pertaining to methane; L. neut. n. filum, a thread or string; N.L. neut. n. Methanofilum, a methane-producing thread. | The genus is defined by relative evolutionary divergence (RED) and phylogenomic analysis as a monophyletic group.
Methanospirillaceae | Methanofilum arcanumTs | |
Genus Methanovirga | ['ga] N.L. pref. methano-, pertaining to methane; L. fem. n. virga, a rod; N.L. fem. n. Methanovirga, a methane-producing rod |
The genus is defined by relative evolutionary divergence (RED) and phylogenomic analysis as a monophyletic group.
Methanobacteriaceae | Methanovirga basalitermitumTs | |
Genus Methanoflexus | ['xus] N.L. pref. methano-, pertaining to methane; L. masc. n. flexus, a bending, turning, winding; N.L. masc. n. Methanoflexus, methane-producing (organism) with a curved shape |
The genus is defined by relative evolutionary divergence (RED) and phylogenomic analysis as a monophyletic group. Curved rods that occur singly, in pairs, or in chains. Gram positive. Nonmotile. Strict anaerobe. Require yeast extract or rumen fluid for growth. Optimum temperature is 30 °C. Use H2 + CO2 as substrates for methanogenesis.
Methanobacteriaceae | Methanoflexus curvatusTs | |
Genus Methanorbis | [Me.than.or'bis] N.L. neut. n. methanum, methane; L. masc. n. orbis, a disk; N.L. masc. n. Methanorbis, a methane-producing disk | The genus is defined by relative evolutionary divergence (RED) and phylogenomic analysis as a monophyletic group. Cells are ovoid cocci 1–3 µm. Non-motile. H2 and CO2 are the substrates for methanogenesis; formate can substitute H2. Acetate and formate are required for growth. The temperature range is 25-40 °C.
Methanocorpusculaceae | Methanorbis furviTs | |
Genus Methanofrustulum | ['tu.lum] N.L. pref. methano-, pertaining to methane; L. neut. dim. n. frustulum, morsel, crumb (of food); N.L. neut. n. Methanofrustulum, a methane-producing crumb | The genus is defined by relative evolutionary divergence (RED) and phylogenomic analysis as a monophyletic group.
Methanosarcinaceae | Methanofrustulum fimipullorumTs | |
Genus Methanocatella | ['la] N.L. pref. methano-, pertaining to methane; L. fem. dim. n. catella, a little chain; N.L. fem. dim. n. Methanocatella, a methane-producing chain, referring to the short chains of cells characteristic of this genus |
The genus is defined by relative evolutionary divergence (RED) and phylogenomic analysis as a monophyletic group. Short oval rods or coccobacilli, 0.4–1 μm in width and 0.6–1.5 μm in length. Cells occur singly, in pairs or in chains of 4–6 cells. Gram positive. Nonmotile. Require complex medium with yeast extract, trypticase, rumen fluid, or fecal extract. Optimum temperature is 35–42 °C. Use H2 + CO2 as substrates for methanogenesis, some species grow poorly on formate.
Methanobacteriaceae | Methanocatella smithiiTs | |
Genus Methanorudis | ['dis] N.L. pref. methano-, pertaining to methane; L. fem. n. rudis, a small stick; N.L. fem. n. Methanorudis, a small methane-producing stick |
The genus is defined by relative evolutionary divergence (RED) and phylogenomic analysis as a monophyletic group.
Methanobacteriaceae | Methanorudis spinitermitisTs | |
Genus Methanobaculum | ['cu.lum] N.L. pref. methano-, pertaining to methane; L. neut. n. baculum, small rod; N.L. neut. n. Methanobaculum, a small methane-producing rod. |
The genus is defined by relative evolutionary divergence (RED) and phylogenomic analysis as a monophyletic group. Straight short rods with slightly tapered ends that occur singly, in pairs, or in short chains. Non-motile. Gram-positive. Strict anaerobe. Use H2 + CO2 as substrates for methanogenesis, growth on formate is poor. Grow poorly on mineral medium with vitamins. Yeast extract, casamino acids, and rumen fluid strongly stimulate growth. Optimum temperature is 30–37 °C.
Methanobacteriaceae | Methanobaculum cuticulareTs | |
Genus Methanomicula | ['] N.L. pref. methano-, pertaining to methane; L. fem. n. micula, morsel, crumb (of salt); N.L. fem. n. Methanomicula, a methane-producing crumb | The genus is defined by relative evolutionary divergence (RED) and phylogenomic analysis as a monophyletic group.
Methanomethylophilaceae | Methanomicula labiotermitisTs | |
Genus Bathycorpusculum | [Ba.thy.cor.pus'cu.lum] Gr. pref. bathy-, deep, especially deep sea (from the Greek bathys, deep); L. neut. n. corpusculum, a little body, a particle; N.L. neut. n. Bathycorpusculum, a particle from the deep sea | The genus identified by metagenomic analyses. Putative mixotrophic CO2-reducing acetogens that use H2 and amino acids as electron donors.
Bathycorpusculaceae | Bathycorpusculum acetigenesTs | |
Genus Methanarmilla | ['la] N.L. neut. n. methanum, methane; L. fem. n. armilla, bracelet; N.L. fem. n. Methanarmilla, methane-producing bracelet, referring to the short chains of cells formed by the type species |
The genus is defined by relative evolutionary divergence (RED) and phylogenomic analysis as a monophyletic group. Short oval rods or coccobacilli, 0.6 μm in width and 1–1.8 μm in length. Cells occur singly, in pairs or in short chains. Gram positive. Nonmotile. Require complex medium with acetate, yeast extract, trypticase, volatile fatty acids, coenzyme M. Optimum temperature is 37–40° C. Use H2 + CO2 or formate + CO2 as substrates for methanogenesis.
Methanobacteriaceae | Methanarmilla woliniiTs | |
Genus Methanacia | [Me.than.a'ci.a] N.L. neut. n. methanum, methane; L. fem. n. acia, thread, yarn; N.L. fem. n. Methanacia, a methane-producing thread | The genus is defined by relative evolutionary divergence (RED) and phylogenomic analysis as a monophyletic group. Filamentous rods with slightly tapered ends. Gram positive. Nonmotile. Strict anaerobe. Require yeast extract for growth. Optimum temperature is 30 °C. Use H2 + CO2 as substrates for methanogenesis.
Methanobacteriaceae | Methanacia filiformisTs | |
Genus Methanolapillus | ['pil.lus] N.L. pref. methano-, pertaining to methane; L. masc. n. lapillus, a pebble, gem, jewel; N.L. masc. n. Methanolapillus, a methane-producing jewel | The genus is defined by relative evolutionary divergence (RED) and phylogenomic analysis as a monophyletic group. Cells are irregular cocci, 1-2 μm. Cells occur singly or sometimes in aggregates. Nonmotile. Require complex medium with yeast extract, peptone, and casamino acids. Grow between 25-42° C. H2 and methanol are the substrates for methanogenesis; methylamines can substitute methanol.
Methanosarcinaceae | Methanolapillus millepedarumTs | |
Genus Methanobinarius | ['] N.L. pref. methano-, pertaining to methane; L. masc. adj. binarius, consisting of two things; N.L. masc. n. Methanobinarius, methane-producing (organism) consisting of two things, referring to the pairs of cells formed by the type species |
The genus is defined by relative evolutionary divergence (RED) and phylogenomic analysis as a monophyletic group. Short oval rods that occur singly, in pairs or in short chains. Gram positive. Nonmotile. Use H2 + CO2 as substrates for methanogenesis, might also grow poorly on formate. Grow poorly on mineral medium with vitamins; yeast extract, casamino acids, and rumen fluid strongly stimulate growth. Optimum temperature is 30–37 °C.
Methanobacteriaceae | Methanobinarius arboriphilusTs | |
Species Methanoflexus curvatusTs | ['tus] L. masc. adj. curvatus, bent, curved; referring to the shape of the cell | Curved rods with slightly tapered ends, 0.34 by 1.6 μm in size, occurring singly or in pairs. Nonmotile. Metabolizes H2 and CO2, yielding CH4 as the sole product. Optimum temperature is 30 °C (range10–30 °C). Optimum pH is 7.1–7.2 (range 6.5–8.5). Complex nutritional supplements, e.g., 40% (v/v) clarified rumen fluid and nutrient broth (Difco) are required for growth ( as in Miller, 2015). The G+C content of the type genome is 25.7 mol%, and the genome size is 2.41 Mbp.
Methanoflexus | NCBI Assembly: GCF_001639295.1 Ts | |
Species Methanacia filiformisTs | ['mis.] L. neut. n. filum, a thread; L. fem. adj. suff. -formis, like, in the shape of; N.L. fem. adj. filiformis, thread-shaped | Filament-forming rods with slightly tapered ends, 0.23–0.28 μm in width by up to several hundred μmin length. Rarely occurs as single 4-μm-long cells. Nonmotile. trict anaerobe. Catalase positive. Metabolizes H2 and CO2 to CH4. Optimum temperature is 30 °C (range 10–33.5 °C). Optimum pH is 7.0–7.2 (range 6.0–7.5). Yeast extract (>0.01%) is required for growth (as in Miller, 2015). The G+C content of the type genome is 26.9 mol%, and the genome size is 2.60 Mbp.
Methanacia | NCBI Assembly: GCF_001639265.1 Ts | |
Species Methanobinarius endosymbioticus | ['ti.cus] Gr. pref. endo-, within; N.L. masc. adj. symbioticus, living together; N.L. masc. adj. endosymbioticus, living together within (another organism) |
The species identified by metagenomic analyses. The G+C content of the type genome is 25.2 mol%, and the genome size is 1.91 Mbp.
Methanobinarius | NCBI Assembly: GCA_003315655.1 Ts | |
Species Methanobinarius arboriphilusTs | ['phi.lus] L. fem. n. arboris, tree; N.L. masc. adj. philus, friend, loving; N.L. masc. adj. arboriphilus, tree-loving | Cells are short rods with rounded ends, 0.5 μm in width and 1.2–1.4 μminlength. Some cells may have a slighdy truncated end. They occur singly or in pairs. Growth is stimulated by trypticase peptones, yeast extract, and rumen fluid. H2 and CO2 may be the sole or preferred energy sources. The optimal temperature for growth was 30 to 37 °C. (as in Zeikus and Henning, 1975; Miller, 2015). The G+C content of the type genome is 25.4 mol%, and the genome size is 2.44 Mbp.
Methanobinarius | NCBI Assembly: GCF_002072215.1 Ts | |
Species Methanolapillus africanus | ['nus] L. masc. adj. africanus, pertaining to Africa | Irregular cocci cells, 1–2 µm in diameter, non-motile. Use methanol and methylamines as methanogenesis substrates together with hydrogen. Requires acetate, yeast extract, Casamino acids, and coenzyme M. The optimum temperature is 37 °C. The G+C content of the type genome is 44.4%, and the estimated genome size is 2.10 Mbp.
Methanolapillus | NCBI Assembly: GCA_032714475.1 Ts | |
Species Methanocatella woesei | [woe'se.i] N.L. gen. masc. n. woesei, of Woese, named in honor of Carl R. Woese for his pioneering contributions to the understanding of the phylogeny of methanogens and other microorganisms | Coccobacillus with slightly tapered or rounded ends, about 0.6 µm in width and 1.0 µm in length, occurring in pairs or short chains. Gram-positive reaction. Cell walls are composed of pseudomurein. Cells are resistant to lysis by SDS. Optimum temperature 37 °C. Optimum pH 7 (as in Miller, Lin, 2002). The G+C content of the type genome is 29.9 mol%, and the genome size is 1.54 Mbp.
Methanocatella | NCBI Assembly: GCF_003111605.1 Ts | |
Species Methanocatella thaueri | [thau'er.i] N.L. gen. masc. n. thaueri, of Thauer, named in honor of Rudolf K. Thauer for his fundamental contributions to the delineation of the biochemistry of methanogenesis | Coccobacillus, with slightly tapered ends, about 0.5 µm in width and 0.6–1.2 µm in length, occurring in pairs and short chains. Some chains may have elongat- ed cells. Gram-positive reaction. Cell walls are composed of pseudomurein. Cells are resistant to lysis by SDS. Optimum temperature 37 °C. Optimum pH 7 (as in Miller, Lin, 2002). The G+C content of the type genome is 36.9 mol%, and the genome size is 2.24 Mbp.
Methanocatella | NCBI Assembly: GCF_003111625.1 Ts | |
Species Bathycorpusculum soli | [so'li] L. gen. n. soli, of soil | The species identified by metagenomic analyses. The G+C content of the type genome is 37.5 mol%, and the estimated genome size is 1.88 Mbp.
Bathycorpusculum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031277345.1 Ts | |
Species Bathycorpusculum termitum | [ter'mi.tum] N.L. gen. pl. n. termitum, of termites, referring to the host | The species identified by metagenomic analyses. The G+C content of the type genome is 43.8 mol%, and the estimated genome size is 2.30 Mbp.
Bathycorpusculum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031254875.1 Ts | |
Species Bathycorpusculum acetigenesTs | [a.ce.ti'ge.nes] L. neut. n. acetum, vinegar; Gr. suff. -genes, to produce; N.L. part. adj. acetigenes, vinegar- or acetic acid producing | The species identified by metagenomic analyses. The G+C content of the type genome is 43.4mol%, and the estimated genome size is 2.15Mbp.
Bathycorpusculum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_009781675.1 Ts | |
Species Bathycorpusculum acidaminoxidans | ['i.dans] N.L. neut. n. acidum aminum, amino acid; N.L. pres. part. oxydans, to oxidize; N.L. part. adj. acidaminoxidans, amino acid-oxidizing | The species identified by metagenomic analyses. The G+C content of the type genome is 37.9 mol%, and the estimated genome size is 1.99 Mbp.
Bathycorpusculum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_009786255.1 Ts | |
Species Methanimicrococcus hongohii | [hon.goh'i.i.] N.L. gen. masc. n. hongohii, of Hongoh, named after Yuichi Hongoh in recognition of his important contributions to arthropod gut microbiology | Irregular cocci cells 1–2 µm in diameter, non-motile. Use methanol and methylamines as methanogenesis substrates together with hydrogen. Requires acetate and Casamino acids; formate is stimulatory. The optimum temperature is 37 °C. The G+C content of the type genome is 41.0%, and the genome size is 2.13 Mbp.
Methanimicrococcus | NCBI Assembly: GCA_032594095.1 Ts | |
Species Methanimicrococcus hacksteinii | [hack.stein'i.i.] N.L. gen. masc. n. hacksteinii, of Hackstein, named in honor of Johannes H.P. Hackstein for his important contributions on the hydrogenosomes of anaerobic protists and methanogenesis in arthropod guts | Irregular cocci cells 1–2 µm in diameter, non-motile. Use methanol and methylamines as methanogenesis substrates together with hydrogen. Requires acetate, Casamino acids, and coenzyme M. The optimum temperature is 37 °C. The G+C content of the type genome is 42.9%, and the estimated genome size is 2.04 Mbp.
Methanimicrococcus | NCBI Assembly: GCA_032714515.1 Ts | |
Species Methanocatella smithiiTs | [smith'i.i] N.L. gen. masc. n. smithii, of Smith, named after P.H. Smith, who isolated the type strain | The species identified by metagenomic analyses. The G+C content of the type genome is 31.0 mol%, and the genome size is 1.85 Mbp. Cells are short oval rods or coccobacilli with tapered ends, 0.6–0.7 μm in width and ∼1.0 μm in length. Cells occur most frequently in pairs or in chains of 4–6 cells. Gram positive. Nonmotile. H2 and CO2 are the preferred energy sources. Growth on formate is poor. Cells grow optimally at 37 to 39 °C. (as in Balch et al., 1979; Miller, 2015).
Methanocatella | NCBI Assembly: GCF_000016525.1 Ts | |
Species Methanarmilla woliniiTs | [wo.lin'i.i.] N.L. gen. masc. n. wolinii, of Wolin, named in honor of Meyer J. Wolin for his singular contributions to the physiological understanding of the role of methanogens and interspecies hydrogen transfer in anaerobic habitats | Coccobacillus with slightly tapered or rounded ends, about 0.6 µm in width and 1.0–1.4 µm in length, occurring in pairs or short chains. Gram-positive. Cell walls are composed of pseudomurein. Cells are resistant to lysis by SDS. Optimum temperature 37 °C. Optimum pH 7 (as in Miller, Lin, 2002). The G+C content of the type genome is 24.2 mol%, and the genome size is 2.04 Mbp.
Methanarmilla | NCBI Assembly: GCF_000621965.1 Ts | |
Species Methanoflexus mossambicus | ['cus] N.L. masc. adj. mossambicus, of Mozambique | The species identified by metagenomic analyses. The G+C content of the type genome is 24.0 mol%, and the genome size is 3.25 Mbp.
Methanoflexus | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031261915.1 Ts | |
Species Methanovirga aequatorialis | ['lis] L. fem. adj. aequatorialis, equatorial, denoting the origin of the host |
The species identified by metagenomic analyses. The G+C content of the type genome is 29.3 mol%, and the genome size is 2.05 Mbp.
Methanovirga | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031282205.1 Ts | |
Species Methanovirga basalitermitumTs | ['mi.tum] L. adj. basalis, basal; L. masc. n. termes, a woodworm, a termite; N.L. gen. pl. masc. n. basalitermitum, of lower (basal) termites | The species identified by metagenomic analyses. The G+C content of the type genome is 27.8 mol%, and the genome size is 2.18 Mbp.
Methanovirga | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031284445.1 Ts | |
Species Methanovirga meridionalis | ['lis] L. fem. adj. meridionalis, southern, denoting the origin of the host from the southern hemisphere (Chile). |
The species identified by metagenomic analyses. The G+C content of the type genome is 23.7 mol%, and the genome size is 2.39 Mbp.
Methanovirga | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031289325.1 Ts | |
Species Bathycorpusculum hydrogenotrophicum | ['cum] N.L. pref. hydrogeno-, pertaining to hydrogen; Gr. masc. adj. trophikos, pertaining to food; N.L. neut. adj. hydrogenotrophicum, feeding on hydrogen | The species identified by metagenomic analyses. The G+C content of the type genome is 43.2 mol%, and the estimated genome size is 2.24 Mbp.
Bathycorpusculum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_009783705.1 Ts | |
Species Methanimicrococcus stummii | [stumm'i.i] N.L. gen. masc. n. stummii, of Stumm, named in honor of Claudius K. Stumm for his important contributions on the symbiosis of methanogens with anaerobic protists | Irregular cocci cells 1–2 µm in diameter, non-motile. Use methanol and methylamines as methanogenesis substrates together with hydrogen. Requires acetate and Casamino acids; formate and yeast extract are stimulatory. The optimum temperature is 37 °C. The G+C content of the type genome is 43.1%, and the estimated genome size is 1.78 Mbp.
Methanimicrococcus | NCBI Assembly: GCA_032594435.1 Ts | |
Species Methanofrustulum fimipullorumTs | [fi.mi.pul.lo'rum] L. neut. n. fimus, dung, excrement; L. masc. n. pullus, chicken; N.L. gen. pl. masc. n. fimipullorum, of chicken dung; denoting the putative origin from chicken manure | The species identified by metagenomic analyses. The G+C content of the type genome is 42.9%, and the estimated genome size is 1.93 Mbp.
Methanofrustulum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_012518265.1 Ts | |
Species Methanovirga procula | ['la] L. fem. adj. procula, from far away, denoting the origin from a remote island (Réunion) |
The species identified by metagenomic analyses. The G+C content of the type genome is 26.7 mol%, and the genome size is 2.38 Mbp.
Methanovirga | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031280375.1 Ts | |
Species Methanimicrococcus odontotermitis | ['mi.tis] N.L. gen. masc. n. odontotermitis, referring to Odontotermes, the host genus | The species identified by metagenomic analyses. The G+C content of the type genome is 43.8%, and the estimated genome size is 1.88 Mbp.
Methanimicrococcus | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031286065.1 Ts | |
Species Methanoplasma glyptotermitis | [gly.pto.ter'mi.tis] N.L. gen. n. glyptotermitis, referring to Glyptotermes, the host genus | The species identified by metagenomic analyses. The G+C content of the type genome is 49.7%, and the estimated genome size is 1.84 Mbp.
Methanoplasma | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031267895.1 Ts | |
Species Methanocatella gottschalkii | [gott.schalk'i.i] N.L. gen. masc. n. gottschalkii, of Gottschalk, named in honor of Gerhard Gottschalk for his notable contributions to the understanding of the biochemistry of methanogenesis | Coccobacillus with rounded ends, about 0.7 µm in width and 0.9 µm in length, occurring in pairs or short chains. Gram-positive reaction. Cell walls are composed of pseudomurein. Cells are resistant to lysis by SDS. Optimum temperature 37 °C. Optimum pH 7 (as in Miller, Lin, 2002). The G+C content of the type genome is 30.0 mol%, and the genome size is 1.87 Mbp.
Methanocatella | NCBI Assembly: GCF_003814835.1 Ts | |
Species Methanarmilla boviskoreani | ['ni] L. gen. n. bovis, cattle; N.L. masc. adj. koreanus, Korean; N.L. gen. masc. / fem. n. boviskoreani, of Korean cattle | Cells stain Gram-positive, occur singly or in pairs or chains and are rod-shaped (1.5–1.8 µm). Cells are non-motile. The optimum pH and temperature for growth are pH 6.5–7.0 and 37–40 °C. The maximum salt (NaCl) tolerance for growth is 0.5 M (as in Lee et al., 2013). The G+C content of the type genome is 28.9 mol%, and the genome size is 2.04 Mbp.
Methanarmilla | NCBI Assembly: GCF_000320505.1 Ts | |
Species Bathycorpusculum terrae | [ter'rae] L. gen. n. terrae, of the earth | The species identified by metagenomic analyses. The G+C content of the type genome is 38.1 mol%, and the estimated genome size is 1.27 Mbp.
Bathycorpusculum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_009784175.1 Ts | |
Species Methanimicrococcus labiotermitis | ['mi.tis] N.L. gen. n. labiotermitis, referring to Labiotermes, the host genus | The species identified by metagenomic analyses. The G+C content of the type genome is 45.5%, and the estimated genome size is 1.83 Mbp.
Methanimicrococcus | NCBI Assembly: GCA_009784005.1 Ts | |
Species Bathycorpusculum fermentans | ['tans] L. part. adj. fermentans, fermenting | The species identified by metagenomic analyses. The G+C content of the type genome is 37.8 mol%, and the estimated genome size is 1.86 Mbp.
Bathycorpusculum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_009787175.1 Ts | |
Species Methanolapillus millepedarumTs | ['rum] L. gen. pl. n. millepedarum, of millipedes | Irregular cocci cells 1–2 µm in diameter, non-motile. Use methanol and methylamines as methanogenesis substrates together with hydrogen. ). Requires acetate, yeast extract, Casamino acids, and coenzyme M. The optimum temperature is 37 °C. The G+C content of the type genome is 42.9%, and the estimated genome size is 1.93 Mbp.
Methanolapillus | NCBI Assembly: GCA_032594115.1 Ts | |
Species Methanobaculum cuticulareTs | ['re] N.L. neut. adj. cuticulare, referring to the cuticular surface of the termite hindgut epithelium, which is colonized by this organism | The species description remains the same as in Miller (2015). The G+C content of the type genome is 26.7 mol%, and the genome size is 2.60 Mbp.
Methanobaculum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_001639285.1 Ts | |
Species Methanocatella oralis | [o.ra'lis] L. fem. adj. oralis, pertaining to the mouth | Cells are short, oval rods with tapered ends, 0.4–0.5 μm in width and 0.7–1.2 μm in length, occurring most frequently in pairs or short chains. Cells give a Gram-positive reaction when less than 4 d old. Ultrathin sections show a tristratified cell wall that is highly invaginated. Nonmotile (as in Miller, 2015). The G+C content of the type genome is 27.7 mol%, and the genome size is 2.14 Mbp.
Methanocatella | NCBI Assembly: GCF_001639275.1 Ts | |
Species Methanocatella millerae | [mil'] N.L. gen. fem. n. millerae, of Miller, named after Terry L. Miller for her contributions to the taxonomy of methanogens, in particular the genus Methanobrevibacter | Cells occur singly or in pairs or chains and are coccobacilli (0.5–1.2 µm) with rounded ends. Cells stain Gram-positive, are non-motile and are resistant to lysis by 10% SDS. Grows and produces methane from H2/CO2 and from formate plus CO2. The optimum temperature range for growth is 36–42 °C. pH range for growth is 5.5–10.0; optimum pH is 7.0–8.0. The maximum salt tolerance for growth is 2.6 % (as in Rea et al., 2007). The G+C content of the type genome is 36.5 mol%, and the genome size is 2.72 Mbp.
Methanocatella | NCBI Assembly: GCF_900103415.1 Ts | |
Species Methanoplasma cognatum | ['tum] L. neut. adj. cognatum, related by blood, sibling, referring to the Methanoplasma termitum as relative | The species identified by metagenomic analyses. The G+C content of the type genome is 52.2%, and the estimated genome size is 1.61 Mbp.
Methanoplasma | NCBI Assembly: GCA_009777615.1 Ts | |
Species Methanoplasma reticulitermitis | ['mi.tis] N.L. gen. n. reticulitermitis, referring to Reticulitermes, the host genus | The species identified by metagenomic analyses. The G+C content of the type genome is 53.4%, and the estimated genome size is 1.34 Mbp.
Methanoplasma | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031287135.1 Ts | |
Species Bathycorpusculum grumuli | [gru'] L. gen. n. grumuli, of a little hill | The species identified by metagenomic analyses. The G+C content of the type genome is 35.5 mol%, and the estimated genome size is 2.30 Mbp.
Bathycorpusculum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_009776805.1 Ts | |
Species Methanoplasma porotermitis | ['mi.tis] N.L. gen. n. porotermitis, referring to Porotermes, the host genus | The species identified by metagenomic analyses. The G+C content of the type genome is 57.3%, and the estimated genome size is 1.69 Mbp.
Methanoplasma | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031290095.1 Ts | |
Species Methanofilum arcanumTs | ['num] L. neut. adj. arcanum, hidden mysterious | The species identified by metagenomic analyses. The G+C content of the type genome is 29.3 mol%, and the genome size is 2.05 Mbp.
Methanofilum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031285085.1 Ts | |
Species Methanomicula labiotermitisTs | ['mi.tis] N.L. gen. n. labiotermitis, of or pertaining to Labiotermes, the genus name of the host | The species identified by metagenomic analyses. The G+C content of the type genome is 49.7%, and the estimated genome size is 1.44 Mbp.
Methanomicula | NCBI Assembly: GCA_009780575.1 Ts | |
Species Methanovirga australis | [aus.tra'lis] L. fem. adj. australis, southern, denoting the origin of the host from the southern hemisphere (Australia) |
The species identified by metagenomic analyses. The G+C content of the type genome is 26.8 mol%, and the genome size is 2.50 Mbp.
Methanovirga | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031272765.1 Ts | |
Species Methanolapillus ohkumae | [oh.ku'mae] N.L. gen. masc. n. ohkumae, of Ohkuma, named after Moriya Ohkuma in recognition of his important contributions to arthropod gut microbiology | Irregular cocci cells 1–2 µm in diameter, non-motile. Use methanol and methylamines as methanogenesis substrates together with hydrogen. Requires acetate, formate, and coenzyme M; yeast extract is stimulatory. The optimum temperature is 37 °C. The G+C content of the type genome is 41.0%, and the estimated genome size is 1.84 Mbp.
Methanolapillus | NCBI Assembly: GCA_032594355.1 Ts | |
Species Methanorudis spinitermitisTs | ['mi.tis] N.L. gen. masc. n. spinitermitis, of Spinitermes (the host genus) |
The species identified by metagenomic analyses. The G+C content of the type genome is 25.8 mol%, and the genome size is 1.96 Mbp.
Methanorudis | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031286225.1 Ts | |
Species Methanorbis rubei | [ru'be.i] L. gen. masc. n. rubei, of the red, referring to the color of the host. | Ovoid cocci cells 1–3 µm. Non-motile. H2 and CO2 are the substrates for methanogenesis; formate can substitute H2. Yeast extract stimulates growth. The optimum temperature is 33 °C. The G+C content of the type genome is 50.2 mol%, and the genome size is 1.82 Mbp.
Methanorbis | NCBI Assembly: GCA_032714495.1 Ts | |
Species Methanorbis basalitermitum | ['mi.tum] L. adj. basalis, basal; L. masc. n. termes, a woodworm, a termite; N.L. gen. pl. masc. n. basalitermitum, of lower (basal) termites | The species identified by metagenomic analyses. The G+C content of the type genome is 50.9 mol%, and the genome size is 1.27 Mbp.
Methanorbis | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031287415.1 Ts | |
Species Methanorbis furviTs | [fur'vi] L. gen. masc. n. furvi, of the black one, referring to the color of the host. | Ovoid cocci cells 1–3 µm. Non-motile. H2 and CO2 are the substrates for methanogenesis; formate can substitute H2. Acetate and formate are required for growth. The optimum temperature is 33 °C. The G+C content of the type genome is 50.1 mol%, and the genome size is 1.84 Mbp.
Methanorbis | NCBI Assembly: GCA_032714615.1 Ts | |