SeqCode Registry
Register List [2024]

Atabeyarchaeia classis nov.

Submitted by Valentin-Alvarado, Luis

Table 1: Complete list of names proposed in the current register list.

Proposed Taxon Etymology Description Parent Taxon Type Registry URL
Class Freyarchaeia ['i.a] N.L. neut. n. Freyarchaeum, referring to the type genus Freyarchaeum; -ia, ending to denote a class; N.L. neut. pl. n. Freyarchaeia, the Freyarchaeum class
The type species for this taxonomic group were initially reconstructed by manual curation of Illumina short-read assemblies and then validated using both Nanopore and PacBio long reads. Phylogenetic analyses of this fully curated genome using several sets of marker genes placed the complete genomes in a monophyletic group within the Asgard clade as a sister group to Atabeyarchaeia. We performed phylogenetic analyses using concatenated marker sets of 47 archaeal clusters of orthologous genes (arCOGs) and 15 ribosomal protein (RP15) gene cluster, as well as the 16S rRNA gene. The new genomes share only <45% AAI when compared to other Asgard genomes, consistent with their assignment to a new phylum. Although our analyses provide evidence for distinction at the phylum level, we chose to adhere to the Genome Taxonomy Database (GTDB) for standardized microbial genome nomenclature. We establish a robust classification and propose Freyarchaeum as the type genus for the family Freyarchaeaceae, the order Freyarchaeales, the class Freyarchaeia with the Asgardarchaeota phylum. Based on protein content and compositional features, we infer that Freyarchaeia is a non-methanogenic acetogenic chemoheterotroph, with potential to grow lithoautotrophically by using H2 as an electron donor. This lineage was originally reconstructed and named from Guaymas Basin, located in the Gulf of California, México, and from Jinze Hot Spring (Yunnan, China). Subsequently, another group used the original data to recover similar genomes and referred to them as Jordarchaeia. Here, we retain the original nomenclature.
Asgardarchaeota Freyarchaeum
Class Atabeyarchaeia ['i.a] N.L. neut. n. Atabeyarchaeum, referring to the type genus Atabeyarchaeum; -ia, ending to denote a class; N.L. neut. pl. n. Atabeyarchaeia, the Atabeyarchaeum class
Based on protein content and compositional features, we infer that Atabeyarchaeia is a non-methanogenic acetogenic chemoheterotroph, with potential to grow lithoautotrophically by using H2 as an electron donor. Phylogenetic analyses using several sets of marker genes placed two complete genomes in a monophyletic group within the Asgard clade as a sister group to Freyarchaeia. We performed phylogenetic analyses using concatenated marker sets of 47 archaeal clusters of orthologous genes (arCOGs) and 15 ribosomal protein (RP15) gene cluster, as well as the 16S rRNA gene. The new genomes share only 40–45% AAI when compared to other Asgard genomes, consistent with their assignment to a new phylum. Although our analyses provide evidence for distinction at the phylum level, we chose to adhere to the Genome Taxonomy Database (GTDB) for standardized microbial genome nomenclature. We establish a robust classification and propose Atabeyarchaeum as the type genus for the family Atabeyarchaeaceae, the order Atabeyarchaeales, the class Atabeyarchaeia with the Asgardarchaeota phylum.
Asgardarchaeota Atabeyarchaeum
Order Freyarchaeales ['les] N.L. neut. n. Freyarchaeum, referring to the type genus Freyarchaeum; -ales, ending to denote an order; N.L. fem. pl. n. Freyarchaeales, the Freyarchaeum order
The type species for this taxonomic group were initially reconstructed by manual curation of Illumina short-read assemblies and then validated using both Nanopore and PacBio long reads. Phylogenetic analyses of this fully curated genome using several sets of marker genes placed the complete genomes in a monophyletic group within the Asgard clade as a sister group to Atabeyarchaeia. We performed phylogenetic analyses using concatenated marker sets of 47 archaeal clusters of orthologous genes (arCOGs) and 15 ribosomal protein (RP15) gene cluster, as well as the 16S rRNA gene. The new genomes share only <45% AAI when compared to other Asgard genomes, consistent with their assignment to a new phylum. Although our analyses provide evidence for distinction at the phylum level, we chose to adhere to the Genome Taxonomy Database (GTDB) for standardized microbial genome nomenclature. We establish a robust classification and propose Freyarchaeum as the type genus for the family Freyarchaeaceae, the order Freyarchaeales, the class Freyarchaeia with the Asgardarchaeota phylum. Based on protein content and compositional features, we infer that Freyarchaeia is a non-methanogenic acetogenic chemoheterotroph, with potential to grow lithoautotrophically by using H2 as an electron donor. This lineage was originally reconstructed and named from Guaymas Basin, located in the Gulf of California, México, and from Jinze Hot Spring (Yunnan, China). Subsequently, another group used the original data to recover similar genomes and referred to them as Jordarchaeia. Here, we retain the original nomenclature.
Freyarchaeia Freyarchaeum
Order Atabeyarchaeales ['les] N.L. neut. n. Atabeyarchaeum, referring to the type genus Atabeyarchaeum; -ales, ending to denote an order; N.L. fem. pl. n. Atabeyarchaeales, the Atabeyarchaeum order
Based on protein content and compositional features, we infer that Atabeyarchaeia is a non-methanogenic acetogenic chemoheterotroph, with potential to grow lithoautotrophically by using H2 as an electron donor. Phylogenetic analyses using several sets of marker genes placed two complete genomes in a monophyletic group within the Asgard clade as a sister group to Freyarchaeia. We performed phylogenetic analyses using concatenated marker sets of 47 archaeal clusters of orthologous genes (arCOGs) and 15 ribosomal protein (RP15) gene cluster, as well as the 16S rRNA gene. The new genomes share only 40–45% AAI when compared to other Asgard genomes, consistent with their assignment to a new phylum. Although our analyses provide evidence for distinction at the phylum level, we chose to adhere to the Genome Taxonomy Database (GTDB) for standardized microbial genome nomenclature. We establish a robust classification and propose Atabeyarchaeum as the type genus for the family Atabeyarchaeaceae, the order Atabeyarchaeales, the class Atabeyarchaeia with the Asgardarchaeota phylum.
Atabeyarchaeia Atabeyarchaeum
Family Atabeyarchaeaceae ['] N.L. neut. n. Atabeyarchaeum, referring to the type genus Atabeyarchaeum; -aceae, ending to denote a family; N.L. fem. pl. n. Atabeyarchaeaceae, the Atabeyarchaeum family
Based on protein content and compositional features, we infer that Atabeyarchaeia is a non-methanogenic acetogenic chemoheterotroph, with potential to grow lithoautotrophically by using H2 as an electron donor. Phylogenetic analyses using several sets of marker genes placed two complete genomes in a monophyletic group within the Asgard clade as a sister group to Freyarchaeia. We performed phylogenetic analyses using concatenated marker sets of 47 archaeal clusters of orthologous genes (arCOGs) and 15 ribosomal protein (RP15) gene cluster, as well as the 16S rRNA gene. The new genomes share only 40–45% AAI when compared to other Asgard genomes, consistent with their assignment to a new phylum. Although our analyses provide evidence for distinction at the phylum level, we chose to adhere to the Genome Taxonomy Database (GTDB) for standardized microbial genome nomenclature. We establish a robust classification and propose Atabeyarchaeum as the type genus for the family Atabeyarchaeaceae, the order Atabeyarchaeales, the class Atabeyarchaeia with the Asgardarchaeota phylum.
Atabeyarchaeales Atabeyarchaeum
Family Freyarchaeaceae ['] N.L. neut. n. Freyarchaeum, referring to the type genus Freyarchaeum; -aceae, ending to denote a family; N.L. fem. pl. n. Freyarchaeaceae, the Freyarchaeum family
The type species for this taxonomic group were initially reconstructed by manual curation of Illumina short-read assemblies and then validated using both Nanopore and PacBio long reads. Phylogenetic analyses of this fully curated genome using several sets of marker genes placed the complete genomes in a monophyletic group within the Asgard clade as a sister group to Atabeyarchaeia. We performed phylogenetic analyses using concatenated marker sets of 47 archaeal clusters of orthologous genes (arCOGs) and 15 ribosomal protein (RP15) gene cluster, as well as the 16S rRNA gene. The new genomes share only <45% AAI when compared to other Asgard genomes, consistent with their assignment to a new phylum. Although our analyses provide evidence for distinction at the phylum level, we chose to adhere to the Genome Taxonomy Database (GTDB) for standardized microbial genome nomenclature. We establish a robust classification and propose Freyarchaeum as the type genus for the family Freyarchaeaceae, the order Freyarchaeales, the class Freyarchaeia with the Asgardarchaeota phylum. Based on protein content and compositional features, we infer that Freyarchaeia is a non-methanogenic acetogenic chemoheterotroph, with potential to grow lithoautotrophically by using H2 as an electron donor. This lineage was originally reconstructed and named from Guaymas Basin, located in the Gulf of California, México, and from Jinze Hot Spring (Yunnan, China). Subsequently, another group used the original data to recover similar genomes and referred to them as Jordarchaeia. Here, we retain the original nomenclature.
Freyarchaeales Freyarchaeum
Genus Freyarchaeum ['um] N.L. fem. n. Freya, the Norse Goddess most commonly associated with love and fertility; N.L. neut. n. archaeum, ancient, archaeon; N.L. neut. n. Freyarchaeum, an archaeal genus named for Freya, the Norse Goddess most commonly associated with love and fertility
The type species for this taxonomic group were initially reconstructed by manual curation of Illumina short-read assemblies and then validated using both Nanopore and PacBio long reads. Phylogenetic analyses of this fully curated genome using several sets of marker genes placed the complete genomes in a monophyletic group within the Asgard clade as a sister group to Atabeyarchaeia. We performed phylogenetic analyses using concatenated marker sets of 47 archaeal clusters of orthologous genes (arCOGs) and 15 ribosomal protein (RP15) gene cluster, as well as the 16S rRNA gene. The new genomes share only <45% AAI when compared to other Asgard genomes, consistent with their assignment to a new phylum. Although our analyses provide evidence for distinction at the phylum level, we chose to adhere to the Genome Taxonomy Database (GTDB) for standardized microbial genome nomenclature. We establish a robust classification and propose Freyarchaeum as the type genus for the family Freyarchaeaceae, the order Freyarchaeales, the class Freyarchaeia with the Asgardarchaeota phylum. Based on protein content and compositional features, we infer that Freyarchaeia is a non-methanogenic acetogenic chemoheterotroph, with potential to grow lithoautotrophically by using H2 as an electron donor. This lineage was originally reconstructed and named from Guaymas Basin, located in the Gulf of California, México, and from Jinze Hot Spring (Yunnan, China). Subsequently, another group used the original data to recover similar genomes and referred to them as Jordarchaeia. Here, we retain the original nomenclature.
Freyarchaeaceae Freyarchaeum deiterraeTs
Genus Atabeyarchaeum ['um] N.L. fem. n. Atabey, the Mother Goddess in Taíno mythology; N.L. neut. n. archaeum, ancient, an archaeon from Gr. adj. archaios; N.L. neut. n. Atabeyarchaeum, named for Atabey, the Mother Goddess in Taíno Puerto Rican mythology
ased on protein content and compositional features, we infer that Atabeyarchaeia is a non-methanogenic acetogenic chemoheterotroph, with potential to grow lithoautotrophically by using H2 as an electron donor. Phylogenetic analyses using several sets of marker genes placed two complete genomes in a monophyletic group within the Asgard clade as a sister group to Freyarchaeia. We performed phylogenetic analyses using concatenated marker sets of 47 archaeal clusters of orthologous genes (arCOGs) and 15 ribosomal protein (RP15) gene cluster, as well as the 16S rRNA gene. The new genomes share only 40–45% AAI when compared to other Asgard genomes, consistent with their assignment to a new phylum. Although our analyses provide evidence for distinction at the phylum level, we chose to adhere to the Genome Taxonomy Database (GTDB) for standardized microbial genome nomenclature. We establish a robust classification and propose Atabeyarchaeum as the type genus for the family Atabeyarchaeaceae, the order Atabeyarchaeales, the class Atabeyarchaeia with the Asgardarchaeota phylum.
Atabeyarchaeaceae Atabeyarchaeum deiterraeTs
Species Atabeyarchaeum deiterraeTs [de.i.ter'rae] L. fem. n. dea, deity; L. fem. n. terra, of the earth; N.L. gen. n. deiterrae, of an Earth diety
 Atabeyarchaeum deiteterre has a genome size of about 2.81 Mbp with an average GC% of 49.6%, recovered from California soil. Atabeyarchaeum 16S shares less than 75%  similarity with previously described Asgardarchaeota classes. A. deiteterre is an acetogenic chemoheterotroph like other Asgardarchaeota, including Freyarchaeia. Estimated completeness at 97.2%, contamination at 1.87%, and the presence of 16 S rRNA genes (1529 bp) and 40 tRNAs.
Atabeyarchaeum NCBI Assembly: GCA_037310415.1 Ts
Species Freyarchaeum deiterraeTs [de.i.ter'rae] L. fem. n. dea, deity; L. fem. n. terra, of the earth; N.L. gen. n. deiterrae, of an Earth diety
Freyarchaeum deiteterre has a genome size of about 3.58 Mbp with an average GC% of 40.7%, recovered from California soil. Freyarchaeum 16S shares less than 45%  similarity with previously described Asgardarchaeota classes. F. deiteterre is an acetogenic chemoheterotroph like other Asgardarchaeota, including other soil-associated Atabeyarchaeia. Estimated completeness at 98.13%, contamination at 4.21%, and the presence of 16 S rRNA genes (1264 bp) and 38 tRNAs.
Freyarchaeum NCBI Assembly: GCA_037305845.1 Ts