Table 1: Complete list of names proposed in the current register list.
Proposed Taxon | Etymology | Description | Parent Taxon | Type | Registry URL |
Phylum Sysuimicrobiota | ['bi.o'ta] N.L. neut. n. Sysuimicrobium, type genus of the phylum; -ota, ending to denote a phylum; N.L. pl. neut. n. Sysuimicrobiota, the Sysuimicrobium phylum |
A phylum established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses.
Bacteria | Sysuimicrobium | |
Class Sysuimicrobiia | ['bi.ia] N.L. neut. n. Sysuimicrobium, referring to the type genus Sysuimicrobium; -ia, ending to denote a class; N.L. neut. pl. n. Sysuimicrobiia, the Sysuimicrobium class | A class established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Sysuimicrobiota phylum.
Sysuimicrobiota | Sysuimicrobium | |
Order Sysuimicrobiales | ['bi.a'les] N.L. neut. n. Sysuimicrobium, type genus of the order; -ales, ending to denote an order; N.L. fem. pl. n. Sysuimicrobiales, the Sysuimicrobium order |
A order established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Sysuimicrobia class.
Sysuimicrobiia | Sysuimicrobium | |
Family Kaftiobacteriaceae | [Kaf.ti.o.bac.te.ri.a.ce'ae] N.L. neut. n. Kaftiobacterium, type genus of the family; L. suff. aceae, ending to denote a family; N.L. fem. pl. n. Kaftiobacteriaceae, the Kaftiobacterium family |
A family established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Sysuimicrobiales order.
Sysuimicrobiales | Kaftiobacterium | |
Family Sysuimicrobiaceae | ['ae] N.L. neut. n. Sysuimicrobium, type genus of the family; -aceae, ending to denote a family; N.L. fem. pl. n. Sysuimicrobiaceae, the Sysuimicrobium family |
A family established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Sysuimicrobiales order.
Sysuimicrobiales | Sysuimicrobium | |
Family Segetimicrobiaceae | [''ae] N.L. neut. n. Segetimicrobium, type genus of the family; -aceae, ending to denote a family; N.L. fem. pl. n. Segetimicrobiaceae, the Segetimicrobium family |
A family established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Sysuimicrobiales order.
Sysuimicrobiales | Segetimicrobium | |
Family Humicultoraceae | [Hu.mi.cul.tor.a.ce'ae] N.L. masc. n. Humicultor, type genus of the family; L. suff. -aceae, ending to denote a family; N.L. fem. pl. n. Humicultoraceae, the Humicultor family |
A family established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Sysuimicrobiales order.
Sysuimicrobiales | Humicultor | |
Family Thermofontiviventaceae | ['ae] N.L. masc. n. Thermofontivivens, referring to the type genus Thermofontivivens; -aceae, ending to denote a family; N.L. fem. pl. n. Thermofontiviventaceae, the Thermofontivivens family | A family established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Sysuimicrobiales order.
Sysuimicrobiales | Thermofontivivens | |
Genus Humicultor | [Hu.mi.cul'tor] L. fem. n. humus, soil; L. masc. n. cultor, an inhabitant; N.L. masc. n. Humicultor, an inhabitant of soil |
A genus established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Humicultoraceae family. The type species of the genus is Humicultor riflensis.
Humicultoraceae | Humicultor tengchongensisTs | |
Genus Kaftiobacterium | [] Gr. adj. kafti, hot; N.L. neut. n. bacterium, rod or staff and, in biology a bacterium; N.L. neut. n. Kaftiobacterium, a bacterium in hot environment | A genus established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Kaftiobacteriaceae family. The type species of the genus is Kaftiobacterium primum.
Kaftiobacteriaceae | Kaftiobacterium secundumTs | |
Genus Fervidifonticultor | ['tor] L. masc. adj. fervidus, hot, burning; L. masc. n. fons, a spring, fountain; L. masc. n. cultor, an inhabitant; N.L. masc. n. Fervidifonticultor, inhabitant of a hot spring |
A genus established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Humicultoraceae family. The type species of the genus is Fervidifonticultor primus.
Humicultoraceae | Fervidifonticultor primusTs | |
Genus Calidihabitans | ['tans] L. masc. adj. calidus, hot; L. pres. part. habitans, inhabiting; N.L. masc. n. Calidihabitans, inhabitants of hot environments |
A genus established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Kaytiobacteriaceae family. The type species of the genus is Calidihabitans tengchongensis.
Kaftiobacteriaceae | Calidihabitans tengchongensisTs | |
Genus Segetimicrobium | ['] L. gen. n. segetis, of the soil; N.L. neut. n. microbium, microbe; N.L. neut. n. Segetimicrobium, a microbe of the earth | A genus established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Segetimicrobiaceae family. The type species of the genus is Segetimicrobium genomatis.
Segetimicrobiaceae | Segetimicrobium genomatisTs | |
Genus Thermofontivivens | ['vens] Gr. masc. adj. thermos, hot; L. masc. n. fons, a spring; L. pres. part. vivens, living; N.L. masc. n. Thermofontivivens, living in a hot spring | A genus established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Thermofontiviventaceae family. The type species of the genus is Thermofontivivens primum.
Thermofontiviventaceae | Thermofontivivens primusTs | |
Genus Caldifonticola | [Cal.di.fon.ti'] L. adj. caldus, hot; L. masc. n. fons, a spring; N.L. masc. suff. cola, an inhabitant; N.L. masc. n. Caldifonticola, inhabitant of a hot spring |
A genus established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Sysuimicrobiaceae family. The type species of the genus is Caldifonticola tengchongensis.
Sysuimicrobiaceae | Caldifonticola tengchongensisTs | |
Genus Tepidifontimicrobium | [Te.pi.di.fon.ti.mi.cro'] L. masc. adj. tepidus, moderately warm; L. masc. n. fons, a spring; N.L. neut. n. microbium, microbe; N.L. neut. n. Tepidifontimicrobium, a microbe from a warm spring |
A genus established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Sysuimicrobiaceae family. The type species of the genus is Tepidifontimicrobium thermophilum.
Sysuimicrobiaceae | Tepidifontimicrobium thermophilumTs | |
Genus Geohabitans | [] Gr. n. geo, the earth; L. pres. part. habitans, inhabiting; N.L. masc. n. Geohabitans, an inhabitant of Earth | A genus established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Humicultoraceae family. The type species of the genus is Geohabitans tengchongensis.
Humicultoraceae | Geohabitans tengchongensisTs | |
Genus Sysuimicrobium | [] N.L. neut. n. microbium, microbe; N.L. neut. n. Sysuimicrobium, arbitrary name from the acronym of Sun Yat-Sen University, SYSU where the identification of microbial metagenome was done |
A genus established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Sysuimicrobiaceae family. The type species of the genus is Sysuimicrobium thermophilum.
Sysuimicrobiaceae | Sysuimicrobium calidumTs | |
Species Sysuimicrobium tengchongense | [teng.chong.en'se] N.L. neut. adj. tengchongense, referring to Tengchong |
A species established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Sysuimicrobium genus.
Sysuimicrobium | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031460175.1 Ts | |
Species Geohabitans tengchongensisTs | [teng.chong.en'sis] N.L. masc. adj. tengchongensis, pertaining to Tengchong, the source of the metagenomic sample |
A species established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Terrahabitans genus.
Geohabitans | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031459625.1 Ts | |
Species Calidihabitans tengchongensisTs | [teng.chong.en'sis] N.L. masc. adj. tengchongensis, pertaining to Tengchong, the source of the metagenomic sample |
A species established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Calidihabitans genus.
Calidihabitans | INSDC Nucleotide: JAVKIE000000000 Ts | |
Species Fervidifonticultor tertius | [ter'] L. masc. adj. tertius, third, to represent the third genome bin of the genus |
A species established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Fervidifonticultor genus.
Fervidifonticultor | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031459235.1 Ts | |
Species Humicultor tengchongensisTs | [teng.chong.en'sis] N.L. masc. adj. tengchongensis, pertaining to Tengchong, the source of the metagenomic sample |
A species established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Humicultor genus.
Humicultor | INSDC Nucleotide: JAVKIA000000000 Ts | |
Species Kaftiobacterium secundumTs | [se.cun'dum] L. neut. adj. secundum, second, to represent the second genome bin of the genus |
A species established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Kaytiobacterium genus.
Kaftiobacterium | INSDC Nucleotide: JAVKHY000000000 Ts | |
Species Sysuimicrobium calidumTs | [ca'li.dum] L. neut. adj. calidum, indicating the origin of the metagenome from hot spring |
A species established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Sysuimicrobium genus.
Sysuimicrobium | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031459935.1 Ts | |
Species Segetimicrobium genomatisTs | ['tis] N.L. gen. n. genomatis, of a genome | A species established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Segetimicrobium genus.
Segetimicrobium | INSDC Nucleotide: VBAK00000000 Ts | |
Species Fervidifonticultor primusTs | [pri'mus] L. masc. adj. primus, first, to represent the first genome bin from of the genus |
A species established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Fervidifonticultor genus.
Fervidifonticultor | INSDC Nucleotide: JAVKHP000000000 Ts | |
Species Tepidifontimicrobium thermophilumTs | ['phi.lum] Gr. fem. adj. thermê, heat; N.L. neut. adj. philum, loving; N.L. neut. adj. thermophilum, heat loving |
A species established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Tepidifontimicrobium genus.
Tepidifontimicrobium | INSDC Nucleotide: JAVKHO000000000 Ts | |
Species Thermofontivivens primusTs | [pri'mus] L. masc. adj. primus, first, to represent the first genome bin from of the genus |
A species established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Thermofontivivens genus.
Thermofontivivens | INSDC Nucleotide: JAVKJW000000000 Ts | |
Species Fervidifonticultor secundus | [se.cun'dus] L. masc. adj. secundus, second, to represent the second genome bin of the genus |
A species established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Fervidifonticultor genus.
Fervidifonticultor | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031459385.1 Ts | |
Species Fervidifonticultor quartus | ['tus] L. masc. adj. quartus, fourth, to represent the fourth genome bin of the genus |
A species established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Fervidifonticultor genus.
Fervidifonticultor | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031458775.1 Ts | |
Species Caldifonticola tengchongensisTs | [teng.chong.en'sis] N.L. masc. adj. tengchongensis, pertaining to Tengchong, the source of the metagenomic sample |
A species established on the basis of AAI, ANI, dDDH and phylogenomic analyses, and is classified as a member of the Caldifonticola genus.
Caldifonticola | INSDC Nucleotide: JAVKGX000000000 Ts | |