SeqCode Registry
Register List [2024]

Register list for Amarolinea aalborgensis gen. nov. sp. nov. and their lineage

Submitted by Nielsen, Per H.

Table 1: Complete list of names proposed in the current register list.

Proposed Taxon Etymology Description Parent Taxon Type Registry URL
Family Amarolineaceae ['] N.L. fem. n. Amarolinea, referring to the type genus Amarolinea; -aceae, ending to denote a family; N.L. fem. pl. n. Amarolineaceae, the Amarolinea family
A family of filamentous bacteria abundant in activated sludge WWTPs worldwide. The type species is Amarolinea aalborgensis. 
Amarolineales Amarolinea
Genus Amarolinea ['a] Gr. fem. n. amara, conduit, channel, sewer; L. fem. n. linea, thread, line; N.L. fem. n. Amarolinea, a thread from a sewer
Filamentous bacteria abundant in activated sludge WWTPs worldwide, belonging to the family Amarolineaceae.  The type species is Amarolinea aalborgensis. 
Amarolineaceae Amarolinea aalborgensisTs
Species Amarolinea aalborgensisTs ['sis] N.L. fem. adj. aalborgensis, Pertaining to Aalborg, a city in the Jutland region of Denmark
Filamenous bacteria abundant in activate sludge WWTPs worldwide, where it was shown to contribute to sever bulking problems. This taxon is capable of aerobic respiration, fermentation, and has a potential to perform dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonia as well as glycogen synthesis and degradation. The filaments are in the 20 - 140 µm range for length and 1.0 - 2.2 µm for thickness.
Amarolinea NCBI Assembly: GCA_900491745.1 Ts