Table 1: Complete list of names proposed in the current register list.
Proposed Taxon | Etymology | Description | Parent Taxon | Type | Registry URL |
Genus Ruminimicrobium | ['] L. neut. n. rumen, the rumen; N.L. neut. n. microbium, microbe; N.L. neut. n. Ruminimicrobium, a microbe that occurs in the rumen | A bacterial genus defined by metagenome-assembled genomes. The genus is defined by phylogenomic analysis as a monophyletic group that shows a relative evolutionary divergence (RED) similar to that of the neighboring genera.
Endomicrobiaceae | Ruminimicrobium bovinumTs | |
Genus Parendomicrobium | ['] L. adj. par, equal, like; N.L. neut. n. Endomicrobium, a bacterial genus; N.L. neut. n. Parendomicrobium, a bacterial genus like Endomicrobium |
A bacterial genus defined by metagenome-assembled genomes. The genus is defined by phylogenomic analysis as a monophyletic group that shows a relative evolutionary divergence (RED) similar to that of the neighboring genera.
Endomicrobiaceae | Parendomicrobium reticulitermitisTs | |
Genus Ruminimicrobiellum | ['] L. neut. n. rumen, the rumen; N.L. dim. neut. n. microbiellum, a small microbe; N.L. neut. n. Ruminimicrobiellum, a small microbe that occurs in the rumen | A bacterial genus defined by metagenome-assembled genomes. The genus is defined by phylogenomic analysis as a monophyletic group that shows a relative evolutionary divergence (RED) similar to that of the neighboring genera.
Endomicrobiaceae | Ruminimicrobiellum bubulumTs | |
Genus Ectomicrobium | ['] Gr. adv. ektos, outside, external; N.L. neut. n. microbium, microbe; N.L. neut. n. Ectomicrobium, a microbe that occurs on the outside (of another organism). |
A bacterial genus defined by metagenome-assembled genomes. The genus is defined by phylogenomic analysis as a monophyletic group that shows a relative evolutionary divergence (RED) similar to that of the neighboring genera.
Endomicrobiaceae | Ectomicrobium neotermitisTs | |
Genus Praeruminimicrobium | ['] L. pref. prae-, before; N.L. neut. n. Ruminimicrobium, a microbe that occurs in the rumen; N.L. neut. n. Praeruminimicrobium, a bacterial genus ancestral to Ruminimicrobium | A bacterial genus defined by metagenome-assembled genomes. The genus is defined by phylogenomic analysis as a monophyletic group that shows a relative evolutionary divergence (RED) similar to that of the neighboring genera.
Endomicrobiaceae | Praeruminimicrobium purgamentiTs | |
Genus Proruminimicrobium | ['] L. pref. pro, (temporally) prior, fore-; N.L. neut. n. Ruminimicrobium, a microbe that occurs in the rumen; N.L. neut. n. Proruminimicrobium, a bacterial genus ancestral to Ruminimicrobium. | A bacterial genus defined by metagenome-assembled genomes. The genus is defined by phylogenomic analysis as a monophyletic group that shows a relative evolutionary divergence (RED) similar to that of the neighboring genera.
Endomicrobiaceae | Proruminimicrobium quisquiliarumTs | |
Genus Endomicrobiellum | ['um] Gr. pref. endon, within; N.L. neut. n. microbium, microbe; L. neut. dim. n. suff. -ellum, diminutive ending; N.L. neut. dim. n. Endomicrobiellum, a small microbe that occurs within (a host cell). |
A bacterial genus identified by genomic, single-cell amplified genomes and metagenome-assembled genome. All members of the genus are intracellular symbionts of termite gut flagellates. The genus is defined by phylogenomic analysis as a monophyletic group that shows a relative evolutionary divergence (RED) similar to that of the neighboring genera.
Endomicrobiaceae | Endomicrobiellum trichonymphaeTs | |
Species Endomicrobiellum meruensis | ['sis] N.L. gen. n. meruensis, of Neotermes meruensis, referring to the host species. |
The species comprises only metagenome-assembled genomes. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 33.8 mol% and the estimated genome size is 1.3 Mbp.
Endomicrobiellum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031282625.1 Ts | |
Species Endomicrobium macrotermitis | [ma.cro.ter'mi.tis] N.L. gen. n. macrotermitis, of Macrotermes, referring to the termite host genus. |
The species comprises only metagenome-assembled genomes. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 42.7 mol% and the estimated genome size is 2.0 Mbp.
Endomicrobium | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031271405.1 Ts | |
Species Endomicrobium neocapritermitis | ['mi.tis] N.L. gen. n. neocapritermitis, of Neocapritermes, referring to the termite host genus. |
The species comprises only metagenome-assembled genomes. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 39.7 mol% and the estimated genome size is 2.4 Mbp.
Endomicrobium | NCBI Assembly: GCA_009778325.1 Ts | |
Species Parendomicrobium reticulitermitisTs | ['mi.tis] N.L. gen. n. reticulitermitis, of Reticulitermes, referring to the termite host genus. | The species comprises only metagenome-assembled genomes. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 37.7 mol% and the estimated genome size is 2.3 Mbp.
Parendomicrobium | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031287095.1 Ts | |
Species Ruminimicrobiellum ovillum | [o.vil'lum] L. neut. adj. ovillum, of or belonging to sheep, referring to the isolation source | The species comprises only metagenome-assembled genomes. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 32.3 mol% and the estimated genome size is 1.8 Mbp.
Ruminimicrobiellum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_002448285.1 Ts | |
Species Endomicrobiellum siamense | ['se] N.L. neut. adj. siamense, of Siam, Thai, referring to the geographic origin of the host genus. | The species comprises only metagenome-assembled genomes. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 30.8 mol% and the estimated genome size is 1.3 Mbp.
Endomicrobiellum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031268145.1 Ts | |
Species Endomicrobiellum agilis | [a'gi.lis] L. gen. n. agilis, of Trichonympha agilis, referring to the host species. | The species comprises only metagenome-assembled genomes and single-cell amplified genomes. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 36.0 mol% and the estimated genome size is 1.3 Mbp.
Endomicrobiellum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_020328155.1 Ts | |
Species Endomicrobiellum pyrsonymphae | ['phae] N.L. gen. n. pyrsonymphae, of Pyrsonympha, referring to the host flagellate. |
The species comprises only single-cell amplified genomes. Colonizes the cytoplasm of Pyrsonympha vertens. Localized in the cytoplasm of Pyrsonympha vertens using FISH with a specific oligonucleotide probe. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type strain is 35.3 mol% and the estimated genome size is 1.3Mbp.
Endomicrobiellum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_020328045.1 Ts | |
Species Endomicrobiellum calonymphae | [ca.lo.nym'phae] N.L. gen. n. calonymphae, of Calonympha, referring to the host flagellate. | The species comprises only metagenome-assembled genomes. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 32.4 mol% and the estimated genome size is 0.9 Mbp.
Endomicrobiellum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031269945.1 Ts | |
Species Endomicrobiellum dinenymphae | ['phae] N.L. gen. n. dinenymphae, of Dinenympha, referring to the host flagellate |
The species comprises only single-cell amplified genomes. Colonizes the cytoplasm of Dinenympha. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type strain is 36.0 mol% and the estimated genome size is 1.1Mbp.
Endomicrobiellum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_020328135.1 Ts | |
Species Endomicrobiellum africanum | ['num] N.L. neut. adj. africanum, of Africa, African, referring to the geographic origin of the host genus. |
The species comprises only metagenome-assembled genomes. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 31.2 mol% and the estimated genome size is 1.1 Mbp.
Endomicrobiellum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031281995.1 Ts | |
Species Endomicrobium procryptotermitis | ['mi.tis] N.L. gen. n. procryptotermitis, of Procryptotermes, referring to the termite host genus. |
The species comprises only metagenome-assembled genomes. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 36.3 mol% and the estimated genome size is 2.1 Mbp.
Endomicrobium | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031279415.1 Ts | |
Species Endomicrobiellum neotermitis | [ne.o.ter'mi.tis] N.L. gen. n. neotermitis, of Neotermes, referring to the termite host genus. |
The species comprises only metagenome-assembled genomes. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 29.0 mol% and the estimated genome size is 0.6 Mbp.
Endomicrobiellum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031282355.1 Ts | |
Species Endomicrobiellum cryptotermitis | ['mi.tis] N.L. gen. n. cryptotermitis, of Cryptotermes, referring to the termite host genus. |
The species comprises only metagenome-assembled genomes. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 31.1 mol% and the estimated genome size is 1.2 Mbp.
Endomicrobiellum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031257835.1 Ts | |
Species Endomicrobiellum devescovinae | ['nae] N.L. gen. n. devescovinae, of Devescovina, referring to the flagellate host | The species comprises only metagenome-assembled genomes. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 34.1 mol% and the estimated genome size is 1.2 Mbp.
Endomicrobiellum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031255495.1 Ts | |
Species Ruminimicrobiellum caprinum | [ca.pri'num] L. neut. adj. caprinum, of or belonging to goats, referring to the isolation source | The species comprises only metagenome-assembled genomes. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 33.0 mol% and the estimated genome size is 1.7 Mbp.
Ruminimicrobiellum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_017413305.1 Ts | |
Species Proruminimicrobium quisquiliarumTs | ['rum] L. gen. pl. n. quisquiliarum, from waste, referring to the isolation source | The species comprises only metagenome-assembled genomes. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 35.1 mol% and the estimated genome size is 2.0 Mbp.
Proruminimicrobium | NCBI Assembly: GCA_018433245.1 Ts | |
Species Endomicrobiellum mastotermitis | ['mi.tis] N.L. gen. n. mastotermitis, of Mastotermes, referring to the termite host genus. |
The species comprises only metagenome-assembled genomes. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 31.0 mol% and the estimated genome size is 0.9 Mbp.
Endomicrobiellum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031272445.1 Ts | |
Species Endomicrobiellum roisinitermitis | ['mi.tis] N.L. gen. n. roisinitermitis, of Roisinitermes, referring to the termite host genus. |
The species comprises only metagenome-assembled genomes. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 31.3 mol% and the estimated genome size is 1.3 Mbp.
Endomicrobiellum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031287855.1 Ts | |
Species Endomicrobiellum trichonymphaeTs | [tri.cho.nym'phae] N.L. gen. n. trichonymphae, of Trichonympha, referring to the host flagellate |
The species comprises only single-cell amplified genomes. Colonizes the cytoplasm of the cellulolytic protist Trichonympha agilis in the termite gut. Spindle-shaped cells (0.6 µm in length and 0.3 µm in diameter). The outer membrane forms tubular extensions into the cytoplasm of the host. Localized in the cytoplasm of flagellates of the genus Trichonympha using FISH with a specific oligonucleotide probe. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type strain is 35.2 mol% and the estimated genome size is 1.1Mbp.
Endomicrobiellum | NCBI Assembly: GCF_002355835.1 Ts | |
Species Endomicrobium labiotermitis | ['mi.tis] N.L. gen. n. labiotermitis, of Labiotermes, referring to the termite host genus |
The species comprises only metagenome-assembled genomes. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 38.0 mol% and the estimated genome size is 2.0 Mbp.
Endomicrobium | NCBI Assembly: GCA_009778965.1 Ts | |
Species Endomicrobiellum cubanum | ['num] N.L. neut. adj. cubanum, of Cuba, Cuban, referring to the geographic origin of the host genus. |
The species comprises only metagenome-assembled genomes. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 31.1 mol% and the estimated genome size is 1.4 Mbp.
Endomicrobiellum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031269735.1 Ts | |
Species Ruminimicrobiellum tauri | [tau'ri] L. gen. n. tauri, of a steer, referring to the isolation source | The species comprises only metagenome-assembled genomes. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 29.3 mol% and the estimated genome size is 1.5 Mbp.
Ruminimicrobiellum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_902792865.1 Ts | |
Species Endomicrobiellum basalitermitum | ['mi.tum] L. adj. basalis, basal; L. masc. n. termes, a woodworm, termite; N.L. gen. masc. pl. n. basalitermitum, of lower (basal) termites. | A bacterial species identified by metagenome-assembled genomes. The species includes all bacteria with genomes that show an average nucleotide identity (ANI) of ≥95% to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 30.8 mol% and the estimated genome size is 0.8 Mbp.
Endomicrobiellum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031282525.1 Ts | |
Species Endomicrobiellum guadaloupense | [gu.a.da.lou.pen'se] N.L. neut. adj. guadaloupense, of Guadaloupe, referring to the geographic origin of the host genus. | The species comprises only metagenome-assembled genomes. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 32.5 mol% and the estimated genome size is 1.3 Mbp.
Endomicrobiellum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031278895.1 Ts | |
Species Endomicrobium embiratermitis | ['mi.tis] N.L. gen. n. embiratermitis, of Embiratermes, referring to the termite host genus. |
The species comprises only metagenome-assembled genomes. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 39.6 mol% and the estimated genome size is 2.0 Mbp.
Endomicrobium | NCBI Assembly: GCA_009781315.1 Ts | |
Species Ruminimicrobium bovinumTs | ['num] L. neut. adj. bovinum, of or belonging to cattle, referring to the isolation source | The species comprises only metagenome-assembled genomes. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 31.0 mol% and the estimated genome size is 1.9 Mbp.
Ruminimicrobium | NCBI Assembly: GCA_900316875.1 Ts | |
Species Endomicrobiellum incisitermitis | ['mi.tis] N.L. gen. n. incisitermitis, of Incisitermes, referring to the termite host genus. |
The species comprises only metagenome-assembled genomes. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 31.2 mol% and the estimated genome size is 1.3 Mbp.
Endomicrobiellum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031275795.1 Ts | |
Species Praeruminimicrobium purgamentiTs | ['ti] L. gen. n. purgamenti, from waste, referring to the isolation source | The species comprises only metagenome-assembled genomes. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 34.6 mol% and the estimated genome size is 1.9 Mbp.
Praeruminimicrobium | NCBI Assembly: GCA_018433585.1 Ts | |
Species Ectomicrobium neotermitisTs | [ne.o.ter'mi.tis] N.L. gen. n. neotermitis, of Neotermes, referring to the termite host genus. | The species comprises only metagenome-assembled genomes. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 41.2 mol% and the estimated genome size is 1.4 Mbp.
Ectomicrobium | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031283745.1 Ts | |
Species Ruminimicrobiellum bubulumTs | [bu'bu.lum] L. neut. adj. bubulum, of or belonging to cattle, referring to the isolation source | The species comprises only metagenome-assembled genomes. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 31.8 mol% and the estimated genome size is 1.9 Mbp.
Ruminimicrobiellum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_017651625.1 Ts | |
Species Endomicrobiellum porotermitis | ['mi.tis] N.L. gen. n. porotermitis, of Porotermes, referring to the termite host genus. |
The species comprises only metagenome-assembled genomes. The species includes all bacteria with more than 95% average nucleotide identity (ANI) to the type genome. The GC content of the type genome is 37.2 mol% and the estimated genome size is 1.1 Mbp.
Endomicrobiellum | NCBI Assembly: GCA_031289055.1 Ts | |