SeqCode Registry
Register List [2024]

Register list for Lucifugimonas marina gen. nov. sp. nov. and their lineage

Submitted by Lim, Yeonjung

Table 1: Complete list of names proposed in the current register list.

Proposed Taxon Etymology Description Parent Taxon Type Registry URL
Order Lucifugimonadales ['les] N.L. fem. n. Lucifugimonas, referring to the type genus Lucifugimonas; -ales, ending to denote an order; N.L. fem. pl. n. Lucifugimonadales, the Lucifugimonas order
Aerobic, oligotrophic, and chemoheterotrophic. Gram-negative with a monoderm envelope. Cells are non-motile and dimorphic with short rods of ~0.8 × 0.4 µm and cocci of ~0.5 µm diameter. Do not form colonies on solid agar plates. Grows very slowly and reaches stationary phase at ~50 days of growth in artificial seawater medium. Light inhibits cellular growth.
Dehalococcoidia Lucifugimonas
Family Lucifugimonadaceae ['] N.L. fem. n. Lucifugimonas, referring to the type genus Lucifugimonas; -aceae, ending to denote a family; N.L. fem. pl. n. Lucifugimonadaceae, the Lucifugimonas family
Aerobic, oligotrophic, and chemoheterotrophic. Gram-negative with a monoderm envelope. Cells are non-motile and dimorphic with short rods of ~0.8 × 0.4 µm and cocci of ~0.5 µm diameter. Do not form colonies on solid agar plates. Grows very slowly and reaches stationary phase at ~50 days of growth in artificial seawater medium. Light inhibits cellular growth.
Lucifugimonadales Lucifugimonas
Genus Lucifugimonas ['nas] L. fem. n. lucis, light; L. fem. n. fuga, avoidance; L. fem. n. monas, a unit, monad; N.L. fem. n. Lucifugimonas, a monad that prefers dark habitats
Aerobic, oligotrophic, and chemoheterotrophic. Gram-negative with a monoderm envelope. Cells are non-motile and dimorphic with short rods of ~0.8 × 0.4 µm and cocci of ~0.5 µm diameter. Do not form colonies on solid agar plates. Grows very slowly and reaches stationary phase at ~50 days of growth in artificial seawater medium. Light inhibits cellular growth.
Lucifugimonadaceae Lucifugimonas marinaTs
Species Lucifugimonas marinaTs [ma.ri'na] L. fem. adj. marina, marine, of the sea
Aerobic, oligotrophic, and chemoheterotrophic. Gram-negative with a monoderm envelope. Cells are non-motile and dimorphic with short rods of ~0.8 × 0.4 µm and cocci of ~0.5 µm diameter. Do not form colonies on solid agar plates. Grows very slowly and reaches stationary phase at ~50 days of growth in artificial seawater medium. Light inhibits cellular growth.
Lucifugimonas INSDC Nucleotide: CP046146.1 Ts