SeqCode Registry
Register List [2023]

Register list for 16 new names including Spongiisocius variivorans sp. nov.

Submitted by Thomas, Torsten

Table 1: Complete list of names proposed in the current register list.

Proposed Taxon Etymology Description Parent Taxon Type Registry URL
Order Spongiisociales ['les] N.L. masc. n. Spongiisocius, referring to the type genus Spongiisocius; -ales, ending to denote an order; N.L. fem. pl. n. Spongiisociales, the Spongiisocius order
Acidimicrobiia Spongiisocius
Family Poriferisodalaceae ['] N.L. masc. n. Poriferisodalis, referring to the type genus Poriferisodalis; -aceae, ending to denote a family; N.L. fem. pl. n. Poriferisodalaceae, the Poriferisodalis family
Acidimicrobiales Poriferisodalis
Family Spongiisociaceae ['] N.L. masc. n. Spongiisocius, referring to the type genus Spongiisocius; -aceae, ending to denote a family; N.L. fem. pl. n. Spongiisociaceae, the Spongiisocius family
Spongiisociales Spongiisocius
Family Hopanoidiivorantaceae ['] N.L. n. neut. Hopanoidiivorans, referring to the type genus Hopanoidiivorans; -aceae, ending to denote a family; N.L. fem. pl. n. Hopanoidiivorantaceae, the Hopanoidiivorans family
Acidimicrobiales Hopanoidiivorans
Family Aldehydirespiratoraceae ['] N.L. masc. n. Aldehydirespirator, referring to the type genus Aldehydirespirator; -aceae, ending to denote a family; N.L. fem. pl. n. Aldehydirespiratoraceae, the Aldehydirespirator family
Acidimicrobiales Aldehydirespirator
Genus Poriferisodalis ['da.lis] N.L. fem. n. Porifera, referring to the phylum for sponges; L. n. masc. sodalis, companion; N.L. masc. n. Poriferisodalis, a companion of a sponge
Poriferisodalaceae Poriferisodalis multihospitumTs
Genus Hopanoidiivorans ['rans] N.L. neut. n. hopanoidium, hopanoid; L. pres. part. vorans, eating; N.L. neut. n. Hopanoidiivorans, one that eats hopanoids
Hopanoidiivorantaceae Hopanoidiivorans cymbastelaeTs
Genus Aldehydirespirator [Alde.hy.di.res.pi.ra'tor] N.L. neut. n. aldehydum, aldehyde; L. verb respiro, to breathe; N.L. masc. n. Aldehydirespirator, one that breathes aldehydes
Aldehydirespiratoraceae Aldehydirespirator catecholifindensTs
Genus Poriferisocius ['] N.L. fem. n. Porifera, referring to the phylum for sponges; L. masc. n. socius, companion; N.L. masc. n. Poriferisocius, a companion of a sponge
Hopanoidiivorantaceae Poriferisocius aerobiusTs
Genus Spongiisocius ['] L. fem. n. spongia, sponge; L. masc. n. socius, companion; N.L. masc. n. Spongiisocius, the companion of a sponge
Spongiisociaceae Spongiisocius variivoransTs
Species Poriferisocius anaerobius ['] Gr. pref. an-, not; Gr. masc. n. aer, air; Gr. masc. n. bios, life; N.L. masc. adj. anaerobius, one who lives without air
Symbiont found to be enriched in sponge microbiomes, and no other environments. Predicted to be capable of growth under anoxic conditions with fumarate and hydrogen peroxide as electron acceptors 
Poriferisocius NCBI Assembly: GCA_028278785.1 Ts
Species Aldehydirespirator catecholifindensTs ['dens] N.L. neut. n. catecholum, catechol; L. v. findo, to split; N.L. masc. part. adj. catecholifindens, one with the ability to split catechols
Sponge-derived acidimicrobiial species with the predicted capability to degrade catechol. Its electron transport chain may also rely on acetaldehyde reduction for menaquinol/menaquinone cycling 
Aldehydirespirator NCBI Assembly: GCA_028283245.1 Ts
Species Poriferisocius aerobiusTs ['] Gr. masc. n. aer, air; Gr. masc. n. bios, life; N.L. masc. adj. aerobius, one who lives with air
Symbiont found to be enriched in sponge microbiomes, and no other environments. 
Poriferisocius NCBI Assembly: GCA_028278955.1 Ts
Species Poriferisodalis multihospitumTs [mul.ti.hos.pi'tum] L. masc. adj. multus, numerous; L. masc. n. hospes, a host; N.L. masc. adj. multihospitum, one who lives with multiple hosts
Sponge symbiont found in many sponges species and predict to be a facultatively aerobic chemoorganoheterotroph and capable of assimilating nitrogen, sulfur, and carbon from diverse sources.
Poriferisodalis NCBI Assembly: GCA_028278755.1 Ts
Species Spongiisocius variivoransTs [va.ri.i.vo'rans] L. masc. adj. varius, diverse; L. pres. part. vorans, eating; N.L. masc. adj. variivorans, one with diversified eating
Symbiont associated with 31 sponge species. Predicted to be capable of utilizing multiple different types of electron donors, including sn-glycerol 3-phosphate, (S)-hydroxyglutarate, (S)-lactate, (S)-2-hydroxybutanoate, choline, glycolate, and FADH2. 
Spongiisocius NCBI Assembly: GCA_028279005.1 Ts
Species Hopanoidiivorans cymbastelaeTs [cym.bas.te'lae] N.L. gen. n. cymbastelae, from the sponge genus Cymbastela
A highly host-specific sponge ymbiont, found so far exclusively in C. coralliophila. Predicted capacity to produce hopanoids. 
Hopanoidiivorans NCBI Assembly: GCA_028283145.1 Ts