SeqCode Registry
Register List [2024]

Register list for 8 new names including Sulfomarinibacter kjeldsenii sp. nov.

Submitted by Loy, Alexander

Table 1: Complete list of names proposed in the current register list.

Proposed Taxon Etymology Description Parent Taxon Type Registry URL
Family Sulfomarinibacteraceae N.L. masc. n. Sulfomarinibacter, referring to the type genus Sulfomarinibacter; L. fem. pl. suff. -aceae, ending to denote a family; N.L. fem. pl. n. Sulfomarinibacteraceae, the Sulfomarinibacter family
Acidobacteriota GTDB family FEB-10
Thermoanaerobaculales Sulfomarinibacter
Genus Sulfomarinibacter ['ter.] L. neut. n. sulfur, sulfur; L. masc. adj. marinus, marine; N.L. masc. n. bacter, rod; N.L. masc. n. Sulfomarinibacter, a sulfur-metabolizing marine rod
Designation of the type MAG | AM3-C
MAG accession number | JACXWC000000000
Genome status1 | Draft
Estimated genome size | 4.3 Mbp
GC mol% | 60,9
Country of origin | Norway
Region of origin | Svalbard
Source of sample | Marine sediment
Sampling date | July, 2016
Geographic location | Smeerenburgfjorden
Latitude | 79° 42.83N
Longitude | 11° 05.10E
Water depth | 211 m
Sediment depth | 5-15 cm
Sample temperature | − 1.7°C and + 1 to + 3°C,
Putative energy metabolism | Predicted ability to use cellulose, protein, cyanophycin, hydrogen and acetate. Possible ability to respire nitrous oxide, metal-oxides, tetrathionate, sulfur and sulfite/sulfate, or sulfur disproportionation.
Putative relation to oxygen | Anaerobe
Cell shape | Thin rods, ~2 x 0.5 microns, visualized by CARD-FISH.
Sulfomarinibacteraceae Sulfomarinibacter kjeldseniiTs
Species Sulfomarinibacter kjeldseniiTs ['ni.i.] N.L. gen. n. kjeldsenii, named after Kasper Urup Kjeldsen
MAG accession number | JACXWC000000000
Genome status1 | Draft
Estimated genome size | 4.3 Mbp
GC mol% | 60,9
Country of origin | Norway
Region of origin | Svalbard
Source of sample | Marine sediment
Sampling date | July, 2016
Geographic location | Smeerenburgfjorden
Latitude | 79° 42.83N
Longitude | 11° 05.10E
Water depth | 211 m
Sediment depth | 5-15 cm
Sample temperature | − 1.7°C and + 1 to + 3°C,
Putative energy metabolism | Predicted ability to use cellulose, protein, cyanophycin, hydrogen and acetate. Possible ability to respire nitrous oxide, metal-oxides, tetrathionate, sulfur and sulfite/sulfate, or sulfur disproportionation.
Putative relation to oxygen | Anaerobe
Cell shape | Thin rods, ~2 x 0.5 microns, visualized by CARD-FISH.
Sulfomarinibacter NCBI Assembly: GCA_014764525.1 Ts