General Medicine


‘Candidatus Moeniiplasma glomeromycotorum’, an endobacterium of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Naito et al. (2017). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 67 (5) Ca. Moeniiplasma glomeromycotorum
Genomic Analysis of a Freshwater Actinobacterium, ��Candidatus Limnosphaera aquatica�� Strain IMCC26207, Isolated from Lake Soyang Kim et al. (2017). Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 27 (4) Ca. Limnosphaera aquatica
Genomic comparisons of a bacterial lineage that inhabits both marine and terrestrial deep subsurface systems Jungbluth et al. (2017). PeerJ 5 “Desulfopertinax” “Desulfopertinax cowenii” Desulforudis audaxviator Ts
Molecular characterization of ‘Candidatus Borrelia tachyglossi’ (family Spirochaetaceae) in echidna ticks, Bothriocroton concolor Loh et al. (2017). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 67 (4) Ca. Borrelia tachyglossi
A plea for linguistic accuracy – also for Candidatus taxa Oren (2017). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 67 (4) “Neomicrothrix calida” “Neomicrothrix parvicella” “Neomicrothrix” “Kuenenia stuttgartensis” Ca. Syngnamydia veneta Ca. Ehrlichia walkeri Johnevansia muelleri Ts Johnevansia Magnetobacterium casense Ts Methylomirabilis oxygeniifera Ts Muiribacterium Methanomethylophilus alvi T
Mariprofundus micogutta sp. nov., a novel iron-oxidizing zetaproteobacterium isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal field at the Bayonnaise knoll of the Izu-Ogasawara arc, and a description of Mariprofundales ord. nov. and Zetaproteobacteria classis nov Makita et al. (2017). Archives of Microbiology 199 (2) “Mariprofundia”
“Candidatus anaplasma camelii” in one-humped camels (Camelus dromedarius) in Morocco: a novel and emerging Anaplasma species? Ait Lbacha et al. (2017). Infectious Diseases of Poverty 6 (1)
Bartonella bovis and Candidatus Bartonella davousti in cattle from Senegal Dahmani et al. (2017). Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 50 Ca. Bartonella davousti
McrA primers for the detection and quantification of the anaerobic archaeal methanotroph ‘Candidatus Methanoperedens nitroreducens’ Vaksmaa et al. (2017). Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 101 (4) Ca. Methanoperedens nitroreducens
Multigenetic characterization of ‘Candidatus Xenohaliotis californiensis’ Cicala et al. (2017). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 67 (1) Ca. Xenohaliotis californiensis