Yassin AF, Burghardt J, Gierth D, Schaal KP, Lux I, Bal C, Ungerechts J, Rainey FA, Seifert P
Description of Nocardiopsis synnemataformans sp. nov., Elevation of Nocardiopsis alba subsp. prasina to Nocardiopsis prasina comb. nov., and Designation of Nocardiopsis antarctica and Nocardiopsis alborubida as Later Subjective Synonyms of Nocardiopsis dassonvillei
Rainey FA, Ward-rainey N, Kroppenstedt RM, Stackebrandt E
The Genus Nocardiopsis Represents a Phylogenetically Coherent Taxon and a Distinct Actinomycete Lineage: Proposal of Nocardiopsaceae fam. nov.
Peltola JS, Kämpfer P, Busse HJ, Rainey FA, Salkinoja-Salonen MS, Kroppenstedt RM, Andersson MA, Auling G
Isolation of toxigenic Nocardiopsis strains from indoor environments and description of two new Nocardiopsis Species, N. exhalans sp. nov. and N. umidischolae sp. nov.