Strain sc|0017706

Strain numbers

ATCC 13348 = CCUG 29000 = CIP 102401 = DSM 20643 = HAMBI 1909 = IFO 15039 = JCM 11568 = JCM 3877 = LMG 3028 = NBIMCC 2370 = NBRC 15039 = NCIB 9221 = NCIMB 9221 = VKM Ac-1415
This strain is associated as type material for multiple names:

StrainInfo: SI-ID 1010 T

Microbacterium flavescens
Field soil
Cultures (25)
LMG 3028 = ATCC 13348 = CCUG 29000 = DSM 20643 = IMET 10367 = JCM 3877 = NCIB 9221 = VKM B-657 = JCM 11568 = CIP 102401 = NBIMCC 2370 = NCIMB 9221 = IFO15039 = VKM Ac-1415 = KCTC 3389 = KCTC 3437 = CCRC 12361 = NBRC 15039 = HAMBI 1909 = BCRC 12361 = HAMBI 1871 = CDBB 545 = NCIB 92221 = NRRL B-24238 = IAM 15203
Other Designations (11)
401 = CBRI 21005 = CDA 860 = CBR 12005 = Lochhead&Burton401 = CBRI 860 = Lochhead and Burton 401 = VKMB-657 = Lochhead 401 = CCTM 2716 = CBR121005
Sequences (6)
Associated Publications (9)
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-48-3-739
    Takeuchi M, Hatano K (1998). Union of the genera Microbacterium Orla-Jensen and Aureobacterium Collins et al. in a redefined genus Microbacterium
  • DOI: 10.1016/S0723-2020(83)80053-8
    Collins MD, Jones D, Kroppenstedt RM, Keddie RM, Schleifer KH (1983). Classification of some coryneform bacteria in a new genus Aureobacterium.
  • DOI: 10.1128/BR.36.4.407-477.1972
    Schleifer KH, Kandler O (1972). Peptidoglycan types of bacterial cell walls and their taxonomic implications
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-48-3-973
    Takeuchi M, Hatano K (1998). Proposal of six new species in the genus Microbacterium and transfer of Flavobacterium marinotypicum ZoBell and Upham to the genus Microbacterium as Microbacterium maritypicum comb. nov.
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-43-3-555
    Yokota A, Weiss N, Takeuchi M, Sakane T (1993). Proposal of Six New Species in the Genus Aureobacterium and Transfer of Flavobacterium esteraromaticum Omelianski to the Genus Aureobacterium as Aureobacterium esteraromaticum comb. nov.
  • DOI: 10.1139/M70-017
    Skyring GW, Quadling C (1970). Soil bacteria: a principal component analysis and guanine-cytosine contents of some arthrobacter-coryneform soil isolates and of some named cultures.
  • DOI: 10.1128/JCM.32.11.2686-2691.1994
    Funke G, Weiss N, Von graevenitz A (1994). Primary identification of Aureobacterium spp. isolated from clinical specimens as "Corynebacterium aquaticum"
  • DOI: 10.1099/IJS.0.033373-0
    Krishnamurthi S, Dastager SG, Li W, Schumann P, Bhattacharya A, Chakrabarti T, Tang S (2012). Microbacterium immunditiarum sp. nov., an actinobacterium isolated from landfill surface soil, and emended description of the genus Microbacterium
  • DOI: 10.1007/BF00409975
    Lochhead AG (1958). Two new species of arthrobacter requiring respectively vitamin B12 and the terregens factor
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  • Registered 2 months ago
  • Last modified about 2 months ago
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