Kim KK, Yang HC, Lee S, Jin L
Halomonas gomseomensis sp. nov., Halomonas janggokensis sp. nov., Halomonas salaria sp. nov. and Halomonas denitrificans sp. nov., moderately halophilic bacteria isolated from saline water
De la haba RR, Sánchez-porro C, Márquez MC, Ventosa A
Taxonomic study of the genus Salinicola: transfer of Halomonas salaria and Chromohalobacter salarius to the genus Salinicola as Salinicola salarius comb. nov. and Salinicola halophilus nom. nov., respectively
Fidalgo C, Proença DN, Henriques I, Morais PV, Alves A
The endosphere of the salt marsh plant Halimione portulacoides is a diversity hotspot for the genus Salinicola: description of five novel species Salinicola halimionae sp. nov., Salinicola aestuarinus sp. nov., Salinicola endophyticus sp. nov., Salinicola halophyticus sp. nov. and Salinicola lusitanus sp. nov.