Strain sc|0017925

Strain numbers

609 = ATCC 7050 = BCRC 10606 = CCM 2013 = CCRC 10606 = CCUG 7417 = CFBP 4225 = CIP 66.25 = DSM 1 = HAMBI 1931 = IAM 1115 = IFO 12583 = IMET 10993 = JCM 2257 = KACC 11248 = LMG 6326 = NBIMCC 8941 = NBRC 12583 = NCCB 48014 = NCCB 77025 = NCDO 1761 = NCFB 1761 = NCIB 9365 = NCIMB 9365 = NCTC 10334 = NRIC 1005 = NRRL NRS-609 = NRS 609 = VKM B-497
This strain is associated as type material for multiple names:

StrainInfo: SI-ID 92137 T

Heyndrickxia coagulans (not Weizmannia coagulansT)
Evaporated milk
Cultures (41)
LMG 6326 = ATCC 7050 = CCM 2013 = CCUG 7417 = CECT 12 = DSM 1 = IAM 1115 = IAM 12463 = IFO 12583 = JCM 2257 = LMG 17450 = LMG 17455 = NCFB 1761 = NCIB 9365 = NCTC 10334 = NRRL NRS-609 = NCDO 1761 = CCRC 10606 = IMET 10993 = NCIMB 9365 = VKM B-731 = VKM B-497 = LMD 48.14 = LMD 77.25 = NCAIM B.01086 = VTT E-82150 = KCTC 3625 = NBRC 12583 = NCCB 77025 = NCCB 48014 = BCRC 10606 = CFBP 4225 = HAMBI 1931 = CCT 0199 = CCT 2467 = KACC 11248 = NBIMCC 1511 = CNCTC 5646 = CGMCC 1.2009 = VTT E-98150 = CIP 66.25
Other Designations (37)
609 = NRIC 1005 = NRS 609 = Porter = E-82150 = FIRDI 606 = OUT 8403 = VKM 497 = Logan B0005 = Logan B0194 = CCTM 2874 = NR Smith 609 = Hammer Porter ATCC7050 = N.R. Smith 609 = Logan B0936 = N. R. Smith 609 = USDA 609 = HNCMB101007 = LMG 6326T QC 9/99 = DSMZ 1 = Smith N.R., 609 = 31884 = Gibson 1121 = CCTM La 2874 = PCM 1843 = Smith 609 = Hammer Porter = Smith N.R 609 = VKM1115 = USCC 2116 = CN 2202 = LMG 6326T QC 9/02 = N.R.Smith609 = VKM B 731 = WDCM 00002 = OUT 8348 = NRS-609
Sequences (28)
Associated Publications (5)
  • DOI: 10.1128/JB.23.4.301-314.1932
    Sarles WB, Hammer BW (1932). Observations on <i>Bacillus coagulans</i>
  • DOI: 10.1128/BR.36.4.407-477.1972
    Schleifer KH, Kandler O (1972). Peptidoglycan types of bacterial cell walls and their taxonomic implications
  • DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2672.1986.TB01743.X
    Pretorius IS, Britz TJ, Potgieter HJ, Lategan PM, de Kock MJ (1986). Numerical taxonomy of alpha-amylase producing Bacillus species.
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-41-4-502
    De Bartolomeo A, La Rosa F, Saltalamacchia G, Trotta F, Mastrandrea V (1991). Numerical analysis and DNA base compositions of some thermophilic Bacillus species.
  • DOI: 10.1078/0723-2020-00250
    De clerck E, Logan NA, Rodriguez-diaz M, Forsyth G, Devos P, Lebbe L (2004). Polyphasic Characterization of Bacillus coagulans Strains, Illustrating Heterogeneity within this Species, and Emended Description of the Species
Outside links and data sources
Retrieved 14 days ago via StrainInfo API (CC BY 4.0)


Cannonical URL
Local history
  • Registered 25 days ago
  • Last modified 14 days ago
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