Strain sc|0017959

This strain is associated as type material for multiple names:

StrainInfo: SI-ID 92120 T

Sinomonas atrocyanea
Probably air contaminant
Cultures (26)
LMG 3814 = ATCC 13752 = CCM 1645 = DSM 20127 = IAM 12339 = IFO 12670 = IFO 12956 = IMET 10432 = JCM 1329 = NCIB 9220 = VKM B-652 = CCUG 23838 = CCUG 23884 = CIP 102365 = CCRC 10953 = NCIMB 9220 = VKM Ac-1104 = VKM Ac-1123 = KCTC 3377 = AS 1.1891 = NBRC 12670 = NBRC 12956 = BCRC 10953 = NBIMCC 2007 = NRRL B-4200 = CGMCC 1.1891
Other Designations (20)
G.Skyring = A 9.2 = LMG 3814 t1T = M.P. Starr A 9.2 = Starr A.9.2 = HMG 13752 = MRI = CBRI 852 = HMGB B-43 = A9-2 = HMGBB43 = LMG 3814T QC 6/00 = VKMB-652 = FIRDI 953 = LMG 3814 t2T = CBRI 21001 = CDA 852 = AJ 1429 = VKM B 799 = A9.2
Sequences (6)
Associated Publications (12)
  • DOI: 10.1007/BF00412285
    KUHN DA, STARR MP (1960). Arthrobacter atrocyaneus, n. sp., and its blue pigment.
  • DOI: 10.1128/BR.36.4.407-477.1972
    Schleifer KH, Kandler O (1972). Peptidoglycan types of bacterial cell walls and their taxonomic implications
  • DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2672.1977.TB00689.X
    Keddie RM, Cure GL (1977). The cell wall composition and distribution of free mycolic acids in named strains of coryneform bacteria and in isolates from various natural sources.
  • DOI: 10.1139/M70-017
    Skyring GW, Quadling C (1970). Soil bacteria: a principal component analysis and guanine-cytosine contents of some arthrobacter-coryneform soil isolates and of some named cultures.
  • DOI: 10.1007/BF00423078
    Stackebrandt E, Fiedler F (1979). DNA-DNA homology studies among strains of Arthrobacter and Brevibacterium
  • DOI: 10.2323/JGAM.46.167
    Tanaka N, Uchimura T, Komagata K (2000). Cystite formation of Arthrobacter ureafaciens NRIC 0157(T).
  • DOI: 10.2323/JGAM.16.3_215
  • DOI: 10.1515/ZNB-1970-0713
    Interschick E, Schleifer KH, Fiedler F, Kandler O (1970). Glycine Amide a Constituent of the Murein of Arthrobacter atrocyaneus
  • DOI: 10.1007/BF02602867
    Stackebrandt E, Woese CR (1979). A phylogenetic dissection of the family micrococcaceae
  • DOI: 10.1111/J.1574-6968.1994.TB07217.X
    Koch C, Stackebrandt E, Rainey FA (1994). 16S rDNA studies on members of<i>Arthrobacter</i>and<i>Micrococcus</i>: An aid for their future taxonomic restructing
  • DOI: 10.1099/IJS.0.000695-0
    Zhou Y, Wang X, Wei W, Lai R (2009). Proposal of Sinomonas flava gen. nov., sp. nov., and description of Sinomonas atrocyanea comb. nov. to accommodate Arthrobacter atrocyaneus
  • DOI: 10.1128/JB.113.1.8-17.1973
    Fiedler F, Schleifer K, Kandler O (1973). Amino Acid Sequence of the Threonine-Containing Mureins of Coryneform Bacteria
Outside links and data sources
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  • Last modified 14 days ago
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