Katayama Y, Hiraishi A, Kuraishi H
Paracoccus thiocyanatus sp. nov., a new species of thiocyanate-utilizing facultative chemolithotroph, and transfer of Thiobacillus versutus to the genus Paracoccus as Paracoccus versutus comb. nov. with emendation of the genus
Katayama-fujimura Y, Hirata A, Tsuzaki N, Kuraishi H
Polyhedral inclusion bodies (carboxysomes) in Thiobacillus species with reference to the taxonomy of the genus Thiobacillus.
Liu Z, Wang B, Liu Y, Dai X, Liu X, Liu S
Paracoccus halophilus sp. nov., isolated from marine sediment of the South China Sea, China, and emended description of genus Paracoccus Davis 1969