Li H, Chen X, Gao Z, Zhang X, Dang H, Zhou M, Zhang Y
Rheinheimera nanhaiensis sp. nov., isolated from marine sediments, and emended description of the genus Rheinheimera Brettar et al. 2002 emend. Merchant et al. 2007
Liu Y, Liu Z, Li H, Jiang J, Song X, Xu C
Rheinheimera longhuensis sp. nov., isolated from a slightly alkaline lake, and emended description of genus
Brettar et al. 2002
Sisinthy S, Chakraborty D, Adicherla H, Gundlapally SR
Emended description of the family Chromatiaceae, phylogenetic analyses of the genera Alishewanella, Rheinheimera and Arsukibacterium, transfer of Rheinheimera longhuensis LH2-2T to the genus Alishewanella and description of Alishewanella alkalitolerans sp. nov. from Lonar Lake, India
Brettar I, Höfle MG, Christen R
Rheinheimera perlucida sp. nov., a marine bacterium of the Gammaproteobacteria isolated from surface water of the central Baltic Sea