Oren A, Garrity GM
Notification that new names of prokaryotes, new combinations, and new taxonomic opinions have appeared in volume 64, part 9, of the IJSEM
Shivaji S, Reddy GS
Phylogenetic analyses of the genus Glaciecola: emended description of the genus Glaciecola, transfer of Glaciecola mesophila, G. agarilytica, G. aquimarina, G. arctica, G. chathamensis, G. polaris and G. psychrophila to the genus Paraglaciecola gen. nov. as Paraglaciecola mesophila comb. nov., P. agarilytica comb. nov., P. aquimarina comb. nov., P. arctica comb. nov., P. chathamensis comb. nov., P. polaris comb. nov. and P. psychrophila comb. nov., and description of Paraglaciecola oceanifecundans sp. nov., isolated from the Southern Ocean
Zhang D, Liu H, Zhou P, Chen B, Yu Y, Dong X, Wang H
Glaciecola psychrophila sp. nov., a novel psychrophilic bacterium isolated from the Arctic