Wüst J, Altwegg M, Lüthy-hottenstein J, Brun F, Lucchini GM
Isolation of gram-positive rods that resemble but are clearly distinct from Actinomyces pyogenes from mixed wound infections
Vandamme P, Vancanneyt M, Van de merwe D, Schouls L, Van esbroeck M, Bergmans A, Sabbe L, Falsen E
Characterization of Actinomyces turicensis and Actinomyces radingae strains from human clinical samples
Wüst J, Stubbs S, Weiss N, Collins M, Funke G
Assignment of Actinomyces pyogenes-like (CDC coryneform group E) bacteria to the genus Actinomyces as Actinomyces radingae sp. nov. and Actinomyces turicensis sp. nov.