Strain sc|0021208

Strain numbers

ATCC 33755 = CIP 105330 = DSM 3755 = IFO 14740 = JCM 8880 = NBRC 14740 = NCIMB 2197 = NCMB 2197 = Strain RD 26 = VKM B-1771
This strain is associated as type material for multiple names:

StrainInfo: SI-ID 40673 T

Halorubrum sodomense
Dead sea (IL)
Cultures (10)
ATCC 33755 = DSM 3755 = IFO 14740 = NCMB 2197 = CIP 105330 = JCM 8880 = NCIMB 2197 = VKM B-1771 = NBRC 14740 = CGMCC 1.2206
Other Designations (2)
RD-26 = RD 26
Sequences (10)
Associated Publications (10)
  • DOI: 10.1099/00221287-131-1-165
    Ross HN, Grant WD (1985). Nucleic acid studies on halophilic archaebacteria.
  • DOI: 10.1099/00221287-136-7-1327
    Ozaki K, Ito S, Okamoto K, Shikata S, Kawai S (1990). Molecular cloning and nucleotide sequence of a gene for alkaline celluase from Bacillus sp. KSM-635
  • DOI: 10.1099/IJS.0.008904-0
    Oren A, Arahal DR, Ventosa A (2009). Emended descriptions of genera of the family Halobacteriaceae
  • DOI: 10.2323/JGAM.41.333
    Kamekura M, Dyall-smith ML (1995). Taxonomy of the family Halobacteriaceae and the description of two newgenera Halorubrobacterium and Natrialba.
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-33-2-381
    Oren A (1983). Halobacterium sodomense sp. nov., a Dead Sea Halobacterium with an Extremely High Magnesium Requirement
  • DOI: 10.1016/S0723-2020(11)80394-2
    Mcgenity TJ, Grant WD (1995). Transfer of Halobacterium saccharovorum, Halobacterium sodomense, Halobacterium trapanicum NRC 34021 and Halobacterium lacusprofundi to the Genus Halorubrum gen. nov., as Halorubrum saccharovorum comb. nov., Halorubrum sodomense comb. nov., Halorubrum trapanicum comb. nov., and Halorubrum lacusprofundi comb. nov.
  • DOI: 10.1007/BF00411075
    Oren A, Shilo M (1981). Bacteriorhodopsin in a bloom of halobacteria in the Dead Sea
  • DOI: 10.1007/BF01579551
    Oren A (1983). A thermophilic amyloglucosidase fromHalobacterium sodomense, a halophilic bacterium from the Dead Sea
  • DOI: 10.1007/BF01955152
    Kamekura M, Seno Y (1993). Partial sequence of the gene for a serine protease from a halophilic archaeumhaloferax mediterranei R4, and nucleotide sequences of 16S rRNA encoding genes from several halophilic archaea
  • DOI: 10.1099/00221287-132-11-3055
    Lodwick D, Harris JE, Grant WD, Ross HN, Almond JW (1986). dam methylation in the archaebacteria.
Outside links and data sources
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  • Registered 2 months ago
  • Last modified 2 months ago
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