Strain sc|0021214

Strain numbers

A2 = ATCC 25364 = CIP 107117 = DSM 582 = IAM 12814 = IFO 14567 = JCM 20754 = NBRC 14567 = NCCB 80062 = NCCB 81078 = THI O41 = VKM B-2163
This strain is associated as type material for multiple names:

StrainInfo: SI-ID 38520 T

Paracoccus versutus
Cultures (14)
ATCC 25364 = DSM 582 = CCM 2505 = IAM 12814 = IFO 14567 = VKM B-2163 = LMD 80.62 = LMD 81.78 = KCTC 2846 = CIP 107117 = NCCB 80062 = NCCB 81078 = NBRC 14567 = JCM 20754
Other Designations (8)
THI O41 = Hoare A2 = D.S. Hoare A = LMAU T44 = DSM 582 IAM 12814 = LMAU T43 = D.S. Hoare A2 = THI 041
Sequences (10)
Associated Publications (5)
  • DOI: 10.1099/13500872-141-6-1469
    Katayama Y, Hiraishi A, Kuraishi H (1995). Paracoccus thiocyanatus sp. nov., a new species of thiocyanate-utilizing facultative chemolithotroph, and transfer of Thiobacillus versutus to the genus Paracoccus as Paracoccus versutus comb. nov. with emendation of the genus
  • DOI: 10.1128/JB.100.1.487-497.1969
    Taylor BF, Hoare DS (1969). New Facultative <i>Thiobacillus</i> and a Reevaluation of the Heterotrophic Potential of <i>Thiobacillus novellus</i>
  • DOI: 10.1099/IJS.0.65237-0
    Liu Z, Wang B, Liu Y, Dai X, Liu X, Liu S (2008). Paracoccus halophilus sp. nov., isolated from marine sediment of the South China Sea, China, and emended description of genus Paracoccus Davis 1969
  • DOI: 10.1099/00207713-33-2-211
    Harrison AP (1983). Genomic and Physiological Comparisons Between Heterotrophic Thiobacilli and Acidiphilium cryptum, Thiobacillus versutus sp. nov., and Thiobacillus acidophilus nom. rev.
  • DOI: 10.1099/00221287-119-2-333
    Rudd BA, Hopwood DA (1980). A pigmented mycelial antibiotic in Streptomyces coelicolor: control by a chromosomal gene cluster.
Outside links and data sources
Retrieved 18 days ago via StrainInfo API (CC BY 4.0)


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Local history
  • Registered 27 days ago
  • Last modified 18 days ago
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