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[Isolation and description of strains of Flavobacterium multivorum of telluric origin].
Yabuuchi E, Moss CW, Yano I, Kaneko T, Miyoshi N
Sphingobacterium gen. nov., Sphingobacterium spiritivorum comb. nov., Sphingobacterium multivorum comb. nov., Sphingobacterium mizutae sp. nov., and Flavobacterium indologenes sp. nov.: Glucose-Nonfermenting Gram-Negative Rods in CDC Groups IIK-2 and IIb
Holmes B, Steigerwalt AG, Weaver RE, Brenner DJ
A Taxonomic Study of Flavobacterium spiritivorum and Sphingobacterium mizutae: Proposal of Flavobacterium yabuuchiae sp. nov. and Flavobacterium mizutaii comb. nov.
Yabuuchi E, Moss CW
Cellular fatty acid composition of strains of three species of<i>Sphingobacterium</i>gen. nov. and<i>Cytophaga johnsonae</i>
Choi H, Lee S
Sphingobacterium kyonggiense sp. nov., isolated from chloroethene-contaminated soil, and emended descriptions of Sphingobacterium daejeonense and Sphingobacterium mizutaii
Wauters G, De baere T, Vaneechoutte M, Deschaght P, Janssens M
Isolates belonging to CDC group II-i belong predominantly to Sphingobacterium mizutaii Yabuuchi et al. 1983: emended descriptions of S. mizutaii and of the genus Sphingobacterium