Strain sc|0023856

Strain numbers

ATCC 484 = CCUG 24087 = CFBP 4254 = CIP 102.114 = DSM 20113 = HAMBI 93 = IFO 15513 = JCM 1341 = LMG 16345 = NBIMCC 2205 = NBRC 15513 = NCAIM B.01386 = NCCB 29016 = NCTC 7547 = VKM Ac-1411

StrainInfo: SI-ID 92513 T

Cellulomonas fimi
Cultures (30)
LMG 16345 = ATCC 484 = CCUG 24087 = CIP 102114 = DSM 20113 = HAMBI 93 = IAM 12107 = IFO 15513 = IMET 10687 = JCM 1341 = KCTC 1436 = NCIMB 11341 = NCIMB 8980 = NCTC 7547 = VTT E-70020 = NCIB 8980 = NCIB 11341 = CCRC 14867 = VKM Ac-1411 = CECT 4283 = NCAIM B.01386 = AS 1.1900 = NBRC 15513 = NCCB 29016 = LMD 29.16 = CFBP 4254 = BCRC 14867 = NCIM 5015 = CGMCC 1.1900 = VTT E-93020
Other Designations (17)
133 = AS 101900 = DSMZ 20113 = USDA133 = CNF 025 = CCTM La 3192 = QM B-527 = 11341 = Suzuki CNF 025 = LMAU C24 = NRS 133 = Smith 133 = N.R.Smith133 = Smith NRS 133 = ptcc1316 = AJ 1571 = NRS-133
Sequences (14)
Associated Publications (7)
Outside links and data sources
Retrieved 2 months ago via StrainInfo API (CC BY 4.0)


Cannonical URL
Local history
  • Registered 2 months ago
  • Last modified 2 months ago
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